Before starting to explain step by step how do I want to point out that your man, once trimmed with this "frame" anti-grounding, will not become 100% immune from algae, branches and other obstacles submerged, but I can assure you that the chances of losing a lure on the outer edge of a reed or grass within sommer
will be reduced considerably. More will be precise and detailed, and your algae will be more effective and performing.
So what we need are: a silicone tube with a diameter a little 'more than the thickness of the anchors on which we mount the algae (given that the tube must stop sull'ancorina wire quite often), a piece wire of 0.50-0.60 mm and a pair of scissors.
Now take the silicone tube and cut three small pieces (4-5 mm each). Pick one and put it from one end of the wire and slide for 1 or 2 cm, at this point, all of which are locked to one of three hooks (I recommend starting with the one whose leg is parallel to the cap) dell'ancorina careful choice to remain in the thread on the outside of the hook and putting out the tip the latter for about 2 mm from the end of the tube. Pass the free end of the wire through the loop dell'ancorina (be careful not to let it pass through the ring of steel that connects to the body of the artificial), and then as the first love with one of two remaining choice (it does not matter here), except that once you pull the thread locked everything up to that between the two hooks to form a kind of parable *. With the wire you previously recovered two or three turns around the stem of the entire anchor and then back through the loop, and then conclude with the last block as love for a bit before pulling 'the thread to go on to form the a branch of parabola * (see the sequence photo below). Here you go ... your anchor has become so anti-stranding.
* WARNING: you should not over stretch the wire, but not leave too "soft." In short, you have to find the right balance ... it seems filosoficheggiante something, and indeed it is, but the fact is that what needs to be done ...;-)