Thursday, April 30, 2009

Completed Community Service Hours Letter

Modus operandi of the crimes

Excerpts of the report on the analysis of the De Fazio

" ... it is clear that the implementation of the crimes in some nights novilnio not 'be a coincidence but a choice dictated by caution, which provides for precise intent. Leads to the same conclusions the finding of a concentration of crimes in the weekend, whatever the meaning of that choice "

" The situation, the set of the crime, is fairly constant and implies a certain extent the choice of sites, at least as a search of places where couples can be secluded in a car (often close to venues such as, for example, clubs) "

" The constancy and situational aspects of victimology suggests to them intrinsic value excitatory stimulus, as if they were a fundamental part of sexual fantasies, desires, prefiguraioni, mode 'for sexual gratification ... the murderer's action seems a long foreshadowed, as if reciting a script well known in not find any instances of subjective space variations dictated by momentary or sudden "

" ... appears more priority by the murderer intended to kill the victims, and to be sure of their death, compared to the subsequent actions ... "

" homicidal in the sequence in question, contact with victims is reduced to a minimum, both in the homicidal true both in the preparatory and executive excision. Constant is the sadistic sexual disinterest for male victims ... The weapons were always removed from the crime luoigo "

" crimes have in common a remarkable coolness, agility, 'effectiveness in conduct that appears as if the author was stimulated by the difficulties,' not ready to give faced with the unexpected but to accomplish the desired objective, namely that of a double fatal "

" E 'to exclude definitely a type of collective action, such as gang rape, that does not come ... never lust murder real "

These crimes belong to a sexuality 'completely or almost completely narcissistic is satisfied only in the imagination and recall situations and / or reproduction of stimulus
All this regardless of an interpersonal relationship and even more direct' relatively independent of the mechanical stimuli which occur on the genitals in coitus and masturbation

E 'can assume a murder abitus sexual impotence characterized by absolute or a marked inhibition coitus

Hazelwood - Dark Dreams

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The use of a firearm by cutting

excerpts from the report of 1984 reported by De Fazio defense Mario Vanni Duran hearing of May 25, 1997

wounds in the woman ' murder of Hamlet's 1974-page 26:

"Good symmetrical than those inflicted in the pubis seems to mark an area almost 'similar to that corresponding to the mutilation inflicted in the following cases "

" highlighting in particularly the right side of the pubis injury because 'located at 10 o'clock, in a similar position all'incisura that will appear' in all three cases removal occurred after "

The findings therefore seem to suggest that even expert 'in 1974, the maniac was able to idealize but without the subsequent mutilation' still have the ability 'technique, or the need for' psychological

reference of the excisions made in the murder of Calenzano:
" excision begins on the right side edge at 10 o'clock, with a shallow indentation similar to that of the previous margin. The margins are sharp and not infiltrated "

-page 52:" excision of pubic and perineal tissues and 'performed once again with good technique and the lesion has clear similarities with that of the previous case (of scandicci ). In both cases the edges are sharp, and pricise and 'found a single incision in the right margin of the pubis in the same position at 10 o'clock. The area excised and 'but' this time much more 'extended to the perineal tissues, while the other two cases, the previous June 81 and July 84 of the next, it e'limitata the pubic region with partial (1981) or total (1984) than the labia majora
be emphasized that such a 'wide excision has led to significant technical problems,
return (1984) the first mode' may have been related to them or the problems of conservation and \\ utilizzazzione or anatomical part of a larger, more 'regular, more' rich in adipose tissue "

" apart what 'the aforementioned injury report a safe technique and homogeneous. The cut is very clear as if it had been made with a very sharp knife, and cold decision to be part of a practical subject and using a very sharp instrument, probably in place by a right-handed as indicated by the presence of a notch at the upper margin of the right pubic bone, probably when starting the cut at 10 "

This substantial uniformity 'execution is surprising based on experimental attempt to reproduce with a significant number of volunteers

" verification experimental and 'calculated using a properly selected sample of 20 subjects in reference to experience or not, practice areas, and against which 'demonstrated a steady and significant discrepancy' implementation of the cuts "

It concludes that:
" is a person skilled in the use of the instrument tip and cut but not necessarily expert in the field of technical or surgical "

Second report of 1985 De Fazio

p. 56:
... which suggests a constant and uniform mode 'of action, and the use of the same sharp instrument, and the same, by the same person, including a damaging episode to another. All this and 'documented by computerized imaging. "

In the 1994 trial, the expert expressed Pierini type computerized analysis.

The 4 excisions were analyzed by normalizing the different anatomical characteristics of the victims through points of comparison located at the root of the thighs and belly. After parameterized photos and have them converted to 256 grayscale steps are 'drawing a comparison from which emerged cosatnte sovrappnibile elliptical region among all the exhibits for that area to perimeter, with the exception of case 2 (the crime of Calenzano) however showed that an ellipsoid with the same ratio between major and minor semi-axis of the other cases.
This opened an analysis to test the difference in depth 'calculated by cutting the level of brightness' in accordance with the reflectance of different tissues. Surprisingly, this parameter is' constant in all 4 cases.
The same comparison of images highlighting 'unquestionably also the overlapping' of the start of the notches cut that not only had the same topology (11 o'clock), but also the same size (corresponding to the notch where the blade part and returneth to the end Excision of course with a time lag that produces wound sulmargine a characteristic triangular flap)

With reference to the blade, in particular the murder of 1985, and excision performed on breast and pubic-page 69:
" to him about the investigations conducted made it possible to establish with greater likelihood than in the past the characteristics of the white in the sense that it is presumably a knife with a strong blade, with two-wire cutting, perhaps one knurled eg corresponding to a sports model "

This contravenes the above statement, under which the blade had to be a single cutting edge with a rather thick rib. If the final evaluation be derived exclusively from the marks left on the sidelines of the breast lesion (see crime scene 1985), could (personal observation) back to think of a knife military with a long smooth edge and the last part knurled:

A blade with a smooth edge, however, at least 10 cm followed by the knurled
Alternatively, a second knife with a serrated edge with rib in the terminal:

As a result of bone lesions on the young Frenchman, in 1985 he formulated hypotheses' Special features detailed on the blade, which olre to have a double cutting line ( one of which is milled), have a length between 15 and 20cm and a width of 3cm, should present a main cutting edge angle of about 20 °. The same morphology was underlie some form of fairing of the blade even more 'could suggest a model of sport type.

Number of cuts included mutilation: Case

Man Woman
1968 0 ......
0 1974 2 .......
96 1981 3 .......
0 1981 4 .......
2 1982 0 .......
0 1983 0 .......
0 1984 10 .....
2 1985 13 ..... 1
--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

use of the firearm

years number of shots fired number of hits number of deadly blows
: man

: woman
1968 8 8 2 3
1974 8 (10?) 8 (10? ) 2 0
1981 7
1981 7(9?)
9 2
1982 9 6 1 1
1983 7 7 1,1

1984 6(5?) 5 3 1
1985 9 8 0 1
found inside the car

two shells
1968 1974 0 * I bosssoli shells were not found in it the immediacy of crime

1981 June 1981 1 3 shells shells shells
1982 1 1983 2 1984 4 shells
shells shells
1985 1 * In this case the young were not in a vehicle but a tent outside

Bossoli found three shell casings

1968 1974 4 1981 5
shells shells shells October 1981 6 June
* (9 according to The Nation 25 Oct)
1982 8 1983 2
shells shells shells

1984 1 1985 8

Brass shell casings found a total of 1968

5 shells shells

1974 5 1981 7 1981 7
June shells shells shells 9 October 1982

1983 4 1984 5 1985 9
shells shells

Zuntini I. In 1968, the general suggested from the findings that it was a beretta LR cal.22 mod.73 \\ 74, probably built in 1959. Then the expert Iadevito run 'a comparison of the characteristics of percussion on much of the 640 model 70 pistols, seized the opportunity to as many owners living in the province of Florence. This benchmarking port 'to indicate how the expert is more compatible with the weapon of the crimes a Beretta Model 71 built in 1964. 22 LR caliber cartridges should come instead from two or more 'probably three batches produced between 64 and 68. Certainly, however, the dating and 'before 1981 because' the Winchester exchange 'punch from H to W own at that time. Also the expert Iadevito, during the survey commissioned in March 1984, will make 'a product analysis on the origins of ammunition that will bring him' to identify a sample in the availability 'of the archives of Interpol, which showed some similarities in the form of lines' H stamped on the bottom. In particular, the sample had the same defect in the conformation of right lower stem than shown on the used shell casings from the murder. Starting from the consideration that a punch had been used originated from the same matrix, and considering that this punch was replaced weekly, while not really knowing 'how many punches were used the same matrix, consider' highly probable that at least the year of production could be coincident between the sample and findings. The presence of the number of printing on the box allowed the sample to date with the help of the manufacturer of the year 1966. E 'that the weapon can be acquired simultaneously with at least one box of ammunition spinner copper, although the murderess may have had the availability' immediate or even a more 'boxes of cartridges to lead naked ( information on the characteristics punching can be found HERE ) which, however, 'would begin to use only after 1974. If the bullets were still the same since the mid '60s if they could infer the functional acquisition of 68 murder, theft, or maybe for sale. This hypothesis was
'the rest carefully considered already' 81, but without 'that might come to nothing considering the problems resulting from the destruction of the records of many gun shops that took place with the flood of 1966. In 1981 it is estimated 'that in consequence of that catastrophe was no longer' can reconstruct the data of at least 2,500 guns of that type (The Nation in October 1981). Two other elements that characterize the firearm and its use, the firing pin are worn rather, a defect that apparently did not affect the efficiency of the gun, and surveying (NB probably wrong) in a case of 10 shots, something for which you and 'alleged use of a shipper or oversized (the beretta 73 \\ 74 has the charger 10 shots) or forced overcharge tank standard 8 shots. Based on this and you hypothesia 'speculated on the level of knowledge of firearms by Assassin, which, without showing particular gifts from the shooter would have a familiar practice with these instruments.

1968 balls 1974 balls
coppery auburn
1981 balls 1981 balls
plumb naked plumb naked
1982 balls 1983 balls to lead naked
+ Nude auburn lead balls (at least) 1984
lead balls bare balls
1985 plumb naked

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interaction and manipulation of the scene

The murderess interacts with the scene of the crime according to precise functional dictates of murder victims so that this phase is the most 'efficient and quick as possible. Except in 1974, the execution lacks any element homicidal sadist and is never a focus of a sexual nature against victims of the fury that does not concern to the genitals function post-mortem, they found no trace of activity is 'sexual shake (total absence of sperm) so as to assume the presence of a person with iposessualita' serious or real impotentia coeundi. In the case of Hamlet in reality 'can not' say the same just by virtue 'of the survival of the girl with the gun attack. Moreover, in the subsequent use of the White murderess apparently seeks to recover the previous error quickly and without delay sadistically on the victim still alive. Overall, therefore, could also bring this episode of the next Executive nll'ambito.

The manipulation bodies seem to follow the precise needs' practices, with the transport of the female corpse in a scene that gives the killer a better functional safety to the loss of time required for removal of parts anaomiche, behavior exemplified in the episode of Mosciano . A partial rebuttal of these comments there 'transport the boy's body out of the car in the murder of Calenzano. Here, the killer loses time to transport the young man on the left side without visible that this action would enhance its security.

Isolated behaviors aimed execution of the crimes you can still see the context of executive action following a remarkable ritualitra ', whose meaning would seem the result of a needs' psychological dell'assasssino in pursuing a precise imagination. Beyond the 'needs of' pragmatic you can 'ritualistic define the entire performance. According to the expert Luberto, teams De Fazio, the ritual 'is to be understood as a repetition compulsion. The crime as a repetition of a series of actions that are a ritual 'that must be repeated to meet the emotional and psychological needs of the murderer. The drive to act as a repetition compulsion, and as repetitive ritualistic . In the ritual 'behavior can be found that completely transcend the logic execution, such as mandatory use always the same gun, or the ostentation of the bodies in unnatural poses, and of course the removal of body parts. Among the most 'obvious of these behaviors, excisions aside, there' attention to the handbags of the girls in the incidents of 1974 and 1981. In this activity 'is not possible to associate functional since no motive' from the bags does not seem to miss anything. Except that the poking handbags murderess wanted to learn about its victims for, perhaps looking for the identity documents', or who would like to pick up objects with which to mark the fetishes in the process of conservation, which still fall within the context of the ritual ', you must assume that this behavior has an origin intrinesca his subjective experience. Nothing in that sense you can 'say cases of '82. and 83, given the Characteristics of the dynamics of those events, while for 1984 there was a voluntary interruption of this very behavior. This interruption could be justified, as earlier mentioned, on a direct knowledge of the victim in so the killer does not need to know anything 'or having obtained the necessary object directly from the body of the young (which would in fact being removed from the pendant necklace). In the case of a purely psychological reasons you should assume that the gesture has a meaning of communication itself, an explicit signature that leads to a direct experience of the subject. Other

behavior divorced from needs 'practical' insistence post-mortem (or peri-mortem), with the knife on the men's bodies, often with blows to the groin. Although we can recognize the need for 'the killer' a verification of the death of the victim, the blows inflicted in some cases seem a fury and a topology that denote a psychological component to the pre-eminent practice.

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Activities' media and claim

The BSU held a serial killer, like the case at hand, often tends to seek direct contact with the investigators and can 'put in place a genuine dialogue with the media. In our case there is a single episode of some kind, ie sending to the mp of Monica in a flap breast the French girl. In

package the "appalling" finding the person chooses to be sent by the flap anatomy. This concern, however, 'does not seem aimed at maximum effect on stage who must' open the envelope, such as enclosing the entire nipple, but rather to obtain the best possible state of preservation and recognition. It 'surprising fact that in addition to cleverly packaged fragment (2.8 x2cm 3 mm) has declined to include the skin and subcutaneous fat, useless (as well as 'detrimental to conservation) in order to prevail, then the only possible, namely that for which morphological and histological' indicated above, Having regard to the excised part, the glandular tissue and the adipose intraglandular (because of the different rate between the two in various subjects)

As stated by the author of the blog-monster-of firenze.blogspot, Henry62, contrary to by some authors on the low value of the stamp, the picture seems to show the envelope of 450 lire stamp depicting the castle of Bosa, then the postage would be consistent with values \u200b\u200bover time

Nothing but you can 'say about fatherhood' of other episodes that you would like due to the hand of 'murderess. These include the dispatch of Oct. 2, 1985 a letter to each of magisrati who attended the event quelmomento, containing a 22 LR cartridge with H printed on each pad inserted in the extreme 'cut from a latex glove and tapped on the photocopy of a newspaper article dated 29 September 85, depicting the three judges Vigna, Canessa, and Fleury in respect of which a note typed sentence: "You just need a head?". Note that even if the maniac had wanted to sign unambiguously those threats would have been able to make reliable and simple to envelopes enclosing an empty shell, then easily traceable firearm crimes. It should be noted that comnque although not absolutely certain, in this case, the punching bottoms is' similar to those of shell casings found in the killings. No assessment can be 'also make the phone calls received in time to the family of a range of involvement in various capacities in the case, on its paternity' of some letters to newspapers that arrived in the first half 'of the 80s.

Monday, April 27, 2009

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Some To Clean Your Stomach

's confession Stefano Mele


Morning of August 21, 1968

Stefano Mele accused taken ill while working at a construction site between Signa and Prato. Joseph Barranca offers to accompany him to Lastra a Signa, where Apple lives in Via XXIV Maggio

In the afternoon of that day will go to the house of apples and Antonio Lo Bianco after Carmelo Cutrona. The White in the evening will refuse 'an invitation from the brother Giovanni Barranca citing a sudden and absolute commitment, in reality' and probably 'already agreed with Locci to exit after the dinner.

between 21:00 and 21:30 on August 21

stops under White's house in Via XXIV Maggio Locci. The woman comes out carrying the little Natalino together and start to Signa. Natalino tell 'later that he knew the White just the night before and that was the first time I went out all together (The Nation August 24, 1968) 22:00 approx

Pugi Elio, director of the cinema, tell 'that he noticed the woman looking at the poster of the movie while the man had entered a bar, perhaps to buy some cigarettes. Shortly after, around 22:15 , the two were at the cashier to purchase tickets. Pugi he has not seen the child, and in that room, after the couple had entered another dozen young. Another cashier pero 'disproves the presence of mind the child surely leaving the cinema, while it was half-asleep in her mother's lap.
Remember the cashier that he saw a man who, always leaving, seemed interested in the trio.

The film lasts 91 minutes, whereas the interval leaving the room should occur between 23:50 and 0:05

The couple immediately started the car and heading towards being Castelletti probably not using more 'than 10 minutes to reach the Vingone. Their presence on the street should not 0:20 to go too far.

2:00 o'clock in the August 22

Natalino Mele De Felice at the door by pressing the first bell in its power (The Nation August 27, 1968) and is the first statement that now appears on record:
" Open my door because I sleep and I have my father ill in bed. When you take me home because there is I 'mother and uncle who died in a car. "

include 2: 00 and 2:30 am the child refers to De Felice other details:

" was dark, all the plants are moved, there was none. I was so afraid. For me courage I said prayers, I began to sing the north ... Mother and 'dead,' his uncle also died. Father and 'home sick . "

De Felice continues to ask:

" where 'you are the mother, because it' s dead "
NM 'and' down there 'in the car with his uncle, near the cemetery"
DF: "But no, you'll see that it is not 'dead sleep'
NM" "are not dead, really ... I've seen. I took the mother's hand, and 'dead propprio"
DF: "Where am I?"
NM: "Over there, 'in the countryside, in the car"

Between 2:30 and 3:00 the child guide the Police to the lane being Castelletti.
This ability 'to find the small road leading to the claim that the child actually has traveled the distance that separates itself from the way of the Vingone Castelletti. It must, however, 'noted that the Police do not retrace the same path probably back the child, but given the impracticality' of the path, use the cart roads. Surely, however, 'the child indicates with precision the point where it popped out on the road coming from Leghorn lane.

police report of 21 September 68:
"At the second day of August 22, 1968 rings the bell of the mason Francesco De Felice, situated in CMPI bisenzio, village Sant'Angelo, Via del Vingone 54 \\ 1. Despite the late hour of the happy and 'so cute' well as his wife, and she has the light turned on her bedroom because 'his son who feels unwell asked to drink water. The mason istintivamete, also because 'waits for no one, looks at his watch and' see that it is accurate 2:00. Instead 'and open the door as' his intent, the builder look down the window and notices that the front door and you' just a kid who sees him says, 'Open up the door' cause I sleep and I Father sick in bed. After that there caa accompany me to 'my mother and the uncle who died in a car'. Subsequently, the child who gave his name as Natasha, and following his instructions, after arriving at the junction for a few turns vicious Comeana, where, about 100 meters on the right, in a stradsa \u200b\u200binterpoderale, with the front facing sant'angelo, and 'a parked Arezzo juliet license plate with the right arrow in operation. The policeman drops, approaching the car, and note that in fact there are two dead bodies with clothes disheveled. Operative control of the Lieutenancy of the police officers of signa. It advises the commander, sergeant major Gary Ferrero special charge. It also states 'that De Felice, and that when' standing at the window did not see other people besides Natalino "

In the first statement the child to the police version, and 'substantially identical to the one referring to De Felice. But according to 'the other child pointer loop journalism would also mention of an uncle, described as "what is a baker in Scandicci. We will see that during the subsequent stories uncle will materialize 'as Uncle Peter, and then exit from the scene, also because' the name that will emerge 'in reality' in a subsequent interview with the investigating judge Spremolla some time after the baby was was first given at the same uncle Piero and then Mucciarini institution for children.

at 9:45 the first verbalization regarding Stefano Mele:
"The Apple says that it 'kept awake all night, waiting for his wife and child, but that is not' able to find them 'cause he felt bad and that in the morning, at 7:00, when the Police sound of the bell' tenant downstairs, although not the question, he also looks to see who it was, 'cause, says:' I expected that would bring the news where something had happened ' "

After joining Stefano Mele in barracks, interrogated by the Marshal Funari, begins to cast suspicion on his wife's lovers by reporting some of these utterances prove that the feeling of revenge.

About Francesco Vinci said: "There 'a Barbara's lover and that 'very jealous of her, follows her, and threatened to kill her "In the evening

Stefano Mele is released and returns home with the little Natalino that already' in the afternoon was given as mentioned in Mucciarini uncle, also because 'the glove of paraffin gave an uncertain result, as to be less significant than on the Apple Cutrona.
About dell'inefficenza examination the experts had to be recalled:
It should at this point highlight
A) and that the test 'was carried out in 16 hours from the fact
B) that are biased on the hands of large areas of callused
C) the parties may have come into contact with products containing nitrates as fertilizer and other explosive powder

August 23?

Francesco Vinci was taken at 6:00 am to give explanations, even as told by his wife, Vitalia Melis, in an interview with the Nation of September 1983, but where 'it would appear that actually' Vinci was taken at 6:00 August 22, not 23. This would mean that even before the end of the reliefs at the crime scene Francesco Vinci was already 'a suspect. After checking the negativity 'of the paraffin glove Vinci is dismissed.
That same day, Apple begins to also cast suspicion on the brother of Francis.

About Salvatore Vinci said: "It 'he threatened her with death. In fact, one day when I asked him to give me back a debt you know what I said? -" Tifaccio holes wife "-I he said. - "And we're even with the debt-Just like that 'said Mr "

Salvatore Vinci is convened, but has an alibi supported by two people, and Silvano Vargas Nicholas Antenucci

18:30 of August 23
After 12 hours of interrogation without legal assistance, Stefano Mele admits, is brought on site to show the dynamics of crime.

From now does not know how to get on the road to being Castelletti. Minutes
hearing Lieutenant Dell'Amico 18 \\ 3 \\ 70:
"Before reaching the place, the Apple had chosen another road that branches off from the town center, however, that 'took us to a private villa where the which branches out into the street of the cemetery was blocked by a locked gate. We went back and Mele'll take 'then on the spot.
The mistake was easy' cause both roads were based on the square ". (Note that the two possibilities with Apples' sole choosing just the wrong way!)

According to the press at the time (The Nation August 24 1968) the apples have performed the following simulation:
-crawling on all fours along the right side is still 'behind the hood, then it would continue forever to crawl up the left driver's side window. From there, he fired the shots simulating the mouth-
When someone asked him if he now felt better, he said "I'm always right"

According to the minutes rather than rebuilt, and simulates the shots shows a total ineptitude in handling the weapon and misses the window from which the shots were taken. However to report 'correctly the number of bullets fired, (From the minutes, however, is' who has only said he had emptied the magazine NB ), which would be particularly relevant because 'at that time it was believed that only 6 shots were fired, and the particular right of the arrow left on (but especially' the little known Natalino certainly speak with his father during the previous night ). Specify also the lining of the corpse of his wife. Some authors after analyzing quell'interrogatorio much will doubt that the details have been provided by Apple as a result of suggestive questions from the investigators exasperated. Also note the date of the inspection report which dates back to August 25, 1968, and that means' two days after the confession of apples and three days after the effective date of the inspection itself NB

Also on the press at the time it is written that during the reconstruction of the apples had to compieree a mechanical gesture as if he was lifting something got in the car. The police thought it unconsciously repeating the same act to pull his son from Juliet to put it on his shoulder and therefore handed him the application to Apple but that 'deny' firm (The Nation August 27, 1968).

at 21:00 is verbalized the new inspection reconstructive while Apple is formally submitted to the detention

Excerpt of the minutes indicates that the reconstruction heads' reported:
"... to the place where the car was parked Henry (the White), and reached a few meters walk on all fours and I lowered the car reached the left side. Precisely that the car was parked with the direction opposite the intersection. And since 'the glass on the left rear door was lowered, because my wife was intimate with Henry and attitude, precise, Henry was lying on the front right seat, which had lowered the back and my wife stood over him, took aim I exploded and fire all the shots that contained the charger in the direction of the two lovers. The two did not say a word ... apparently died instantly "

Note that the verbal and 'can only infer that the Apple has said that he downloaded the weapons, while never mentioned explicitly in the number of strokes

Horse evening between 23 and 24 morning Mele retracted the confession in part returning to accuse wife lovers, Francesco and Salvatore Vinci. Then he declares that in reality 'is to have him fired, but under the urging of Salvatore Vinci, who was accompanied in his car at the crime scene and would provide him with the weapon. Specifies that you have met SV in Signa, in Piazza IV Novembre, where he had gone to look after his wife left home by bicycle The Salvatore Vinci, information on the fate of two lovers, he proposed to the Apples of assassin with a weapon in his possession. They would then traveled by car out of the cinema of Vinci and then they would follow up the road. The Vinci would extract the weapon from the bag and passed gliel'avrebbe urging him to go, stating that there were 8 shots and should have just pulled the trigger. Committed the murder, the Apple would come back to the car after throwing the gun into the canal. Heard that the weapon had been thrown away Vinci would have exclaimed "Patience!"

About the weapon, according to Massimo Polidoro, Stefano Mele says

- investigators show that the order of cal.9 man says - " In relation to what I have today shown, and that ni How about being a beretta cal.9, precise than that of the barrel Vinci had a lot more 'long, so I think this is a gun for target shooting. Also states that the gun was ready to fire 'cause I all I did was pull the trigger -

description and' consistent with the model described by the expert Zuntini, however, appears' very strange reference to a weapon made from apples by 'shooting. The Apple has proven they know nothing about weapons, and then he reported this detail does not seem genuine.

Since August 23 the child is entrusted to the paternal uncles John and Antonietta Mele, as well as' to her husband Piero Mucciarini

dawn on Aug. 24 will bring the Police in search of the weapon in place reported by Apple, and summon the police station at the same time both brothers Vinci. At 8:00
Salvatore Vinci arrives in his car with bricks for supporting the comparison with Stefano Mele. At 10:00
Caponnetto get a replacement, the captain of his friend and the executive ladder to make the assessment of witnesses.
the reading of the minutes, considering that the weapon is not found, the apple changes its version:
'There is only one particolre that is not true', when referring to the way I am undone gun. In truth 'is not threw the weapon, but gave it back after the murder of Salvatore "

Start the confrontation with Salvatore Vinci, but after a few bars and portrayed the Apple exonerates his friend. At 16:30 Salvatore Vinci out of the classroom as innocent, by issuing statements to that effect to the journalists present there. Meanwhile, Stefano Mele said that in reality 'and his accomplice' was not the Savior but Francesco Vinci, who that night would have reached home at about 22 for involvement in the murder of his wife. With this scooter had reached the lane Castelletti, and then, with the weapon of Francesco, but would try to shoot without 'do it. It was therefore Francesco handing the weapon to shoot the last shot, which then would explain the glove of paraffin weakly positive. At 17:30
Francesco Vinci enters the bulwarks. In the evening, Apple will charge car again during a fit of nerves (The Nation August 25, 1968)

Francesco Vinci was negative in the paraffin glove already 'from 23, while ensuring that the story of a passage and Apples' clearly fake (*). Mele said he put the gun in the glove compartment of the scooter Vinci, but this will result 'impossible due to the size of the gun. Apple does not know what happened to the weapon.

(*) According to the investigator David Cannella told a witness that would have altered the PV compartment portaattrezzi, drill a hole, so you get the weapon

That same day, the deputy Nicholas Antenucci Caponnetto questions because of some inconsistency in the testimony of Salvatore Vinci sull'alibi:
"Nicola Antonucci Minutes August 24, 1968: -then called the witness to adjust better to their memories says: "I can only say that yesterday morning (August 23, I was convinced it was Thursday 'morning. or August 22) A co-worker, a Xavier, I informoƬ that in Lastra a Signa a murder had been committed, which I did not know not having read the newspapers this week. This Xavier also told me that the crime had been committed two nights before. Then in the evening when the police came to take savior, ricollegai the night of the murder was the one where I silvanoeravamo savior and his friend stayed together until after midnight "

August 25

After comparison with Francis, when the apparent unavailability 'by part of the Vinci of his scooter, because 'for repair, Apple is beginning to acknowledge Carmelo Cutrona, another lover of the wife of Sicilian origin as White. The comparison with Cutrona highlights the contradictions of the story of Apples, until 'pressed by the investigators that he blurts out:
"If it is not' the state and a 'was the other!"

August 26

Prosecutors want hear again the child who has so far continued to maintain the same version on the immediacy of the event, showing in the account security and tranquility '

Heard once again change the child version. Now when he wakes up this would be the father who would take over his shoulder and led finally to the house of Vingone.
then again when asked if there was also Francesco Vinci, a small will answer 'no, and told him to admit it was their father. Also his father would finally persuaded to say that "Father and ' home sick" and had not seen anything or heard the shots.

When is envisaged the possibility 'of a comparison with his son, Stefano Mele confirmation in tears and the version 'was recovered from the small Natalino, while overnight are freed Vinci and Francesco Carmelo Cutrona. Later in the interrogation can not explain how it is in any way then returned home via the Vingone, as it has reached the place before the murder. The

pm on August 27 Caponnetto requires a psychiatric examination for Apple, given the incredible sequence of retractions and accusations that revealed a psychology of man to say the least convoluted

Among retractions and admissions, Stefano Mele is going to come ' the process of Perugia in 1973 where, after four rulings from the Court of Assizes of Florence, 1970, will 'definitely convicted to the punishment of 14 years.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Best Instant Pancakes

-10 Little Indians ... and there was no one-

Now, a little more 'than a month since the murder of Baccaiano, the investigators presented the real possibility 'of having a hand in a position to provide testimony on behalf of the Monster of Florence, Stefano Mele. This new line of investigation was followed by the first investigating judge Vincent Tricomi, who immediately called 'Apples for the reopening of the case 68. Evidently a man of the people involved had to 'age had to be the real culprit of the murder, and therefore responsible for the carnage that was terrorizing Florence until then. Stefano Mele
Tricomi in the courts, and in September in comparison, I'll be 'back to point the finger at Francesco Vinci, who, as in 68, I look like' in fact the character that most 'probably would wear clothes jealous lover can avenge Locci. But to substantiate the allegations of the witness there was something else. Among the reports of the Carabinieri cue 'information regarding a Renault 4 of Vinci, found June 20, that is, the day after the murder, infrascata near Grosseto Volterrana along the road ie' that led directly to Baccaiano. There was enough to sign a summons, but Francesco Vinci, who earlier had been denounced by his wife to abuse family members, had already 'gone without a trace. Its hard but not hiding 'a lot, since' Aug. 15 was found and arrested at the home of John Calamosca , a Sardinian origin of Imola already 'attention in the past for his visits with John Farina. The Calamosca tell 'that he later asked the Vinci not only hospitality', but also to provide him with a false passport to flee abroad, why, as she said 'Calamosca verbatim, was "not to put in shit a family. "
Although the arrest is made in the history of abuse, what is the real purpose of the judiciary will become 'evident November 7 when they will investigate the prosecutor formally' for all the murders from that of 1968. Reporters that the judge asked if the survey Tricomi had arrived at a turning point, it responded ambiguously, saying that it was actually 'more time' investigation and the critic with the most 'high risk that the short- monster could turn up with a new murder. Months passed but the 22 gauge was fortunately in silence on the faces of the investigators begin 'to return the smile, so that the press began to envisage the real possibility' that the monster had finally behind bars. Vinci also hung on the other small finds, such as the use of a drug the same as the packaging of which had been found near the car of the boys Baccaiano after the murder, and the deposition of the old 70, Conticelli. In reality, 'already' a month later, those two clues were refuted by the defense that showed how much the drug taken by Vinci did not have to do with the active ingredient of Norzetam, whether the shell casings found in the farmhouse which he had Conticelli spoke had something to do with those of the Monster of Florence (The Nation 83 Feb. 9)
Francesco Vinci in prison showed a strange mix of concern and security, especially the latter performed in front of judges who questioned understand well how unlikely it would be a confession.
But that security was well placed it is understood the September 10, 1983, when a handful of .22-caliber shells, thrown to the side of a camper van with German number plate, I seem to 'turn the key that was used to open the cell suspect's at 19:30 of Saturday, September 10, a German importer guest in an apartment in a prestigious villa Giogoli made a frantic phone call to the Police. The man had discovered two corpses in a Volkswagen van parked in a clearing about 100 meters away from his house. In short, the area was filled with 'car with the flashing lights on, divided and frightened faces among them being those of Dr. Della Vigna and Dr. Monica. After photographing the shells one of the officers gave it a couple showing the H to the prosecutor on the case back well to the fore, as long as this does not rise without words' eyes turning toward the truck, perhaps to escape the annoyance of the powerful halogen lights, maybe to mask the incomprehensible words that he was recovering from his Tuscan memory verses Angiolieri Cecco. That new
double murder but 'is' strange, so strange that the doors of the prison to Francesco Vinci opened only in January next year. (Actually' Vinci remained in jail until the autumn of '84 because of another offense) this time the monster had murdered two boys, and although they tried as never been done before, were missing as many as 3 out of 7 shells. The investigating judge Rotella, the successor to Dr. Tricomi survey on the monster, he suspected that to do that 'act had been an accomplice to clear him of Vinci, and that "the mistake" of the two young men would serve to prevent the accomplice were to perform those operations inconceivable for a monstrous crime "normal." For the prosecutor's speech was more 'simple. The monster was really confused her hair Rush to that of a missing girl and the shells were probably finished among the souvenirs of some jackal. Indeed, while there were some inconsistencies in the story resolved by making a search of German, moreover, even as the two boys killed were Germans on holiday. Did not emerge from a search of anything relevant to the investigation, and although there were 4 guns sprouted, some not reported, there was no trace of that crime. German remedy 'a conviction for failure to undeclared detention of weapons, and within six months if they returned' to Germany after leaving an outstanding account of 40 million for the rental of the villa (especially when quoted by the indictment to the prosecutor Canessa Monster job-ter). Meanwhile, the difference of views between Attorney and Office of the investigating judge began 'to become a real break. Cosi ', where that in January of '84, decided to continue on that track arresting two others Sardinian marginally involved in the investigation of 68, and John Mucciarini Peter Mele, the prosecutors already 'had made off with the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting over the investigation.
Although Francesco Vinci was about to be acquitted, the judge did not give up Rotella won but he could not 'identify someone who could step into the shoes of possible accomplices or companions of raids between the Sardinian, or between family members, which Moreover, apart from the young nephew Antonio, the man had no reports so 'close. I'll be back 'and then knocked on the door of Stefano Mele's to see if they could provide some clue, and though the words did not come out dell'ometto nothing makes sense, something I look like a precious 'instead emerge from his pockets, or so' he thought the judge. During that interview from the portfolios of Apple jumped out a note written in bad Italian from which shone a strange interest in the story by another person. Nothing to do with winning then, but a new track. The biglettino went like this':


FATO you had the double name

of shots fired

That Italian rickety, written by alternating upper and lowercase letters, was compiled by the hand of John Mele , brother of Stephen, probably the day on which 82 had appeared in newspapers the sensational news of the connection with the crime of '68. Apparently the man had wanted to remember what to say to his brother to prevent the suspects would take the leadership of the clan, and in particular one had bothered to remove the chestnuts from the fire-in-law, Peter Mucciarini, whose name had appeared on one of numerous hearings of the small Natalino Mele. Rotella for the first phrase was self-evident in this sense, the second was a suggestion to repeat the accusations against those who have not been able to involve them, and the third showed what was the particular report to be credible in its presence at the time of ' murder, that is, the number of shots fired. In fact, Stefano Mele had that sign on, even properly seen that reference 'of 8 shots while the wrong finetsrino from which they had been fired. That note, along with some wiretaps and environmental factors, which persuaded the magistrate to commit the murder had been the clan of Apple. They therefore acted because 'tired of the constant head shots Locci and continuous humiliations to which the family was referred because of his treatment of her husband.
During the press conference announcing the release of Francesco Vinci, Dr. Rotella surprises throughout the audience of reporters by declaring that henceforth they were f Ormala investigated for crimes John Mele and Piero Mucciarini. ROOF then there were two.
to support the arrest warrant was also presented results of a search warrant to John Mele, whose car, a Fiat 128, was found what was called a real monster kit, consisting of knives, ropes, rags and liquid to clean hands. Actually nothing of those objects contained the slightest trace of use in one of the crimes, but it was enough because 'the journalists for the time they did not ask too many questions.
Detained Mucciarini Apples and began to accuse one another, with the Apple admitted that he had written the note to protect the brother-in but 'could not be certain of innocence, and Mucciarini who returned the ball to the sender saying that he had never asked for anything in the Apple and that if John wanted to protect someone that he was not sure, but maybe another Peter, who also was part of the family. Those skirmishes at a distance, transmitted by their lawyers, lasted in reality 'little time' cause to make it clear that the two have nothing to do with the crimes I think 'again beretta 22 caliber, giving birth to another half-dozen shells murderers with H stamped on the bottom.
On July 29, 1984 Pia Rontini had worked all day at the beach bar Vicchio, where for about a month had been recruited as' the barman for the summer. Despite was the typical job that a young student, as she was, is to put aside some money, the commitment was also significant because 'he chose to shift from 19:00' 1:00. That Sunday, however, 'a sudden change in plans had reached the house shortly after 20:30, and although he had initially decided not to leave because of fatigue, change' the idea presented to 21:15 at the home of boyfriend Claudio Stefanacci. The two boys, little more 'than teenagers because she was just 18 and he was 21, went out almost immediately from the home of Claudio for apartments in intimacy'. After 4 km of provincial slipped into reverse gear on a road that led directly Sagginalese and that is just a hundred meters from the banks of the river Sieve. Past 23:30, seeing that the child is not his way home, Mrs. Stefanacci begin 'to be alarmed and telephone' to the family of Rontini. In a short time began to search with the participation 'among others Becherini Piero, Claudio's friend and former employee in the appliance store owned by' the Stefanacci. It was he to find around 3:00 am the panda with the corpses of two young men. The girl lay on her back about 7 feet of the car in his right hand still clutching his underwear, while his companion was left lifeless in the car after receiving three gunshot wounds and 10 stab wounds. Once again, the murderess had mutilated female body, but had not limited to the pubis. His madness had a horrible escalation and not happy with the first trophy he had also removed her left breast, clearly and without hesitation. The next morning the front page of The Nation a photograph that appeared at first glance seemed a hymn to love, with two young boys in profile had only exchanged a kiss innocent prerogatives 'focus a bit' better characters abnormal title of the article to understand that it was a very different song, that of human folly. And the terror bounce 'rapidly from the area of \u200b\u200bpaper to the City' until you reach the rooms of the judiciary and those of the government. The interior minister was convinced that it was time to change direction strongly supports the line held by the prosecution led by Dr. Vigna, who deemed it necessary to start from the beginning any inquiry. It was established a special Joint Task Force-Police Police, who was appointed head of the commissioner Sandro Federico with the task of dealing exclusively with the case. In parallel, reliable 'to a pool of quoted criminologists advice' cause you can draw the profile of the man who was looking for. Professor De Fazio, renowned university criminologist 'di Modena, picked the best of his staff to draw up a comparative survey of several murders in order to return unit to' the traces left by the killer so far, while the newly formed task force, which took the acronym actually a bit 'Film SAM anti monster team, we care' plan to organize a rapid intervention in the unfortunate event that you encounter a new event. Before that, however, 'was' taken another decision striking, that I shall not want' to generate considerable controversy, but explained very well what it meant starting all over again. The measure was to be delivered by the municipal authorities of all municipalities in the province of Florence, the names of single men, or living with relatives but not married, at age 'between 30 and 60. The aim was to draw up a list of possible suspects in advance, comparing the personal data positive for locations of the crimes with those of previous convictions for sexual offenses. These names were then passed to the SAM in order to implement a series of targeted raids in the immediacy of the new double homicide. A corollary of the program was also targeted perqisizioni the request to toll collectors on weekends dell'Autosole to record the license plates of vehicles passing the toll in the evening and night, and this' cause it was suspected that the murderer would use the atostrada to its movements. For the first time investigators had made in terms of not having to submit passively to the shaggy 'the maniac and finally being able to respond in kind to his provocations, and that is why what happened soon after was incredible.

Part Two ------------------------------------------- Part Four ---