-10 Little Indians ... and there was no one-
Now, a little more 'than a month since the murder of Baccaiano, the investigators presented the real possibility 'of having a hand in a position to provide testimony on behalf of the Monster of Florence, Stefano Mele. This new line of investigation was followed by the first investigating judge Vincent Tricomi, who immediately called 'Apples for the reopening of the case 68. Evidently a man of the people involved had to 'age had to be the real culprit of the murder, and therefore responsible for the carnage that was terrorizing Florence until then. Stefano Mele
Tricomi in the courts, and in September in comparison, I'll be 'back to point the finger at Francesco Vinci, who, as in 68, I look like' in fact the character that most 'probably would wear clothes jealous lover can avenge Locci. But to substantiate the allegations of the witness there was something else. Among the reports of the Carabinieri cue 'information regarding a Renault 4 of Vinci, found June 20, that is, the day after the murder, infrascata near Grosseto Volterrana along the road ie' that led directly to Baccaiano. There was enough to sign a summons, but Francesco Vinci, who earlier had been denounced by his wife to abuse family members, had already 'gone without a trace. Its hard but not hiding 'a lot, since' Aug. 15 was found and arrested at the home of John Calamosca , a Sardinian origin of Imola already 'attention in the past for his visits with John Farina. The Calamosca tell 'that he later asked the Vinci not only hospitality', but also to provide him with a false passport to flee
abroad, why, as she said 'Calamosca verbatim, was "not to put in shit a family. "
Although the arrest is made in the history of abuse, what is the real purpose of the judiciary will become 'evident November 7 when they will investigate the prosecutor formally' for all the murders from that of 1968. Reporters that the judge asked if the survey Tricomi had arrived at a turning point, it responded ambiguously, saying that it was actually 'more time' investigation and the critic with the most 'high risk that the short- monster could turn up with a new murder. Months passed but the 22 gauge was fortunately in silence on the faces of the investigators begin 'to return the smile, so that the press began to envisage the real possibility' that the monster had finally behind bars. Vinci also hung on the other small finds, such as the use of a drug the same as the packaging of which had been found near the car of the boys Baccaiano after the murder, and the deposition of the old 70, Conticelli. In reality, 'already' a month later, those two clues were refuted by the defense that showed how much the drug taken by Vinci did not have to do with the active ingredient of Norzetam, whether the shell casings found in the farmhouse which he had Conticelli spoke had something to do with those of the Monster of Florence (The Nation 83 Feb. 9)
Francesco Vinci in prison showed a strange mix of concern and security, especially the latter performed in front of judges who questioned understand well how unlikely it would be a confession.
But that security was well placed it is understood the September 10, 1983, when a handful of .22-caliber shells, thrown to the side of a camper van with German number plate, I seem to 'turn the key that was used to open the cell suspect's at 19:30 of Saturday, September 10, a German importer guest in an apartment in a prestigious villa Giogoli made a frantic phone call to the Police. The man had discovered two corpses in a Volkswagen van parked in a clearing about 100 meters away from his house. In short, the area was filled with 'car with the flashing lights on, divided and frightened faces among them being those of Dr. Della Vigna and Dr. Monica. After photographing the shells one of the officers gave it a couple showing the H to the prosecutor on the case back well to the fore, as long as this does not rise without words' eyes turning toward the truck, perhaps to escape the annoyance of the powerful halogen lights, maybe to mask the incomprehensible words that he was recovering from his Tuscan memory verses Angiolieri Cecco. That new
double murder but 'is' strange, so strange that the doors of the prison to
Francesco Vinci opened only in January next year. (Actually' Vinci remained in jail until the autumn of '84 because of another offense) this time the monster had murdered two boys, and although they tried as never been done before, were missing as many as 3 out of 7 shells. The investigating judge Rotella, the successor to Dr. Tricomi survey on the monster, he suspected that to do that 'act had been an accomplice to clear him of Vinci, and that "the mistake" of the two young men would serve to prevent the accomplice were to perform those operations inconceivable for a monstrous crime "normal." For the prosecutor's speech was more 'simple. The monster was really confused her hair Rush to that of a missing girl and the shells were probably finished among the souvenirs of some jackal. Indeed, while there were some inconsistencies in the story resolved by making a search of German, moreover, even as the two boys killed were Germans on holiday. Did not emerge from a search of anything relevant to the investigation, and although there were 4 guns sprouted, some not reported, there was no trace of that crime. German remedy 'a conviction for failure to undeclared detention of weapons, and within six months if they returned' to Germany after leaving an outstanding account of 40 million for the rental of the villa (especially when quoted by the indictment to the prosecutor Canessa Monster job-ter). Meanwhile, the difference of views between Attorney and Office of the investigating judge began 'to become a real break. Cosi ', where that in January of '84, decided to continue on that track arresting two others Sardinian marginally involved in the investigation of 68, and John Mucciarini Peter Mele, the prosecutors already 'had made off with the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting over the investigation.
Although Francesco Vinci was about to be acquitted, the judge did not give up Rotella won but he could not 'identify someone who could step into the shoes of possible accomplices or companions of raids between the Sardinian, or between family members, which Moreover, apart from the young nephew
Antonio, the man had no reports so 'close. I'll be back 'and then knocked on the door of Stefano Mele's to see if they could provide some clue, and though the words did not come out dell'ometto nothing makes sense, something I look like a precious 'instead emerge from his pockets, or so' he thought the judge. During that interview from the portfolios of Apple jumped out a note written in bad Italian from which shone a strange interest in the story by another person. Nothing to do with winning then, but a new track. The biglettino went like this':
FATO you had the double name
of shots fired
That Italian rickety, written by alternating upper and lowercase letters, was compiled by the hand of John Mele , brother of Stephen, probably the day on which 82 had appeared in newspapers the sensational news of the connection with the crime of '68. Apparently the man had wanted to remember what to say to his brother to prevent the suspects would take the leadership of the clan, and in particular one had bothered to remove the chestnuts from the fire-in-law, Peter Mucciarini, whose name had appeared on one of numerous hearings of the small Natalino Mele. Rotella for the first phrase was self-evident in this sense, the second was a suggestion to repeat the accusations against those who have not been able to involve them, and the third showed what was the particular report to be credible in its presence at the time of ' murder, that is, the number of shots fired. In fact, Stefano Mele had that sign on, even properly seen that reference 'of 8 shots while the wrong finetsrino from which they had been fired. That note, along with some wiretaps and environmental factors, which persuaded the magistrate to commit the murder had been the clan of Apple. They therefore acted because 'tired of the constant head shots Locci and continuous humiliations to which the family was referred because of his treatment of her husband.
During the press conference announcing the release of Francesco Vinci, Dr. Rotella surprises throughout the audience of reporters by declaring that henceforth they were f
Ormala investigated for crimes John Mele and Piero Mucciarini. ROOF then there were two.
to support the arrest warrant was also presented results of a search warrant to John Mele, whose car, a Fiat 128, was found what was called a real monster kit, consisting of knives, ropes, rags and liquid to clean hands. Actually nothing of those objects contained the slightest trace of use in one of the crimes, but it was enough because 'the journalists for the time they did not ask too many questions.
Detained Mucciarini Apples and began to accuse one another, with the Apple admitted that he had written the note to protect the brother-in but 'could not be certain of innocence, and Mucciarini who returned the ball to the sender saying that he had never asked for anything in the Apple and that if John wanted to protect someone that he was not sure, but maybe another Peter, who also was part of the family. Those skirmishes at a distance, transmitted by their lawyers, lasted in reality 'little time' cause to make it clear that the two have nothing to do with the crimes I think 'again beretta 22 caliber, giving birth to another half-dozen shells murderers with H stamped on the bottom.
On July 29, 1984 Pia Rontini had worked all day at the beach bar Vicchio, where for about a month had been recruited as' the barman for the summer. Despite was the typical job that a young student, as she was, is to put aside some money, the commitment was also significant because 'he chose to shift from 19:00' 1:00. That Sunday, however, 'a sudden change in plans had reached the house shortly after 20:30, and although he had initially decided not to leave because of fatigue, change' the idea presented to 21:15 at the home of boyfriend Claudio Stefanacci. The two boys, little more 'than teenagers because she was just 18 and he was 21, went out almost immediately from the home of Claudio for apartments in intimacy'. After 4 km of provincial slipped into reverse gear on a road that led directly Sagginalese and that is just a hundred meters from the banks of the river Sieve. Past 23:30, seeing that the child is not his way home, Mrs. Stefanacci begin 'to be alarmed and telephone' to the family of Rontini. In a short time began to search with the participation 'among others Becherini Piero, Claudio's friend and former employee in the appliance store owned by' the Stefanacci. It was he to find around 3:00 am the panda with the corpses of two young men. The girl lay on her back about 7 feet of the car in his right hand still clutching his underwear, while his companion was left lifeless in the car after receiving three gunshot wounds and 10 stab wounds. Once again, the murderess had mutilated female body, but had not limited to the pubis. His madness had a horrible escalation and not happy with the first trophy he had also removed her left breast, clearly and without hesitation.
The next morning the front page of The Nation a photograph that appeared at first glance seemed a hymn to love, with two young boys in profile had only exchanged a kiss innocent prerogatives 'focus a bit' better characters abnormal title of the article to understand that it was a very different song, that of human folly. And the terror bounce 'rapidly from the area of \u200b\u200bpaper to the City' until you reach the rooms of the judiciary and those of the government. The interior minister was convinced that it was time to change direction strongly supports the line held by the prosecution led by Dr. Vigna, who deemed it necessary to start from the beginning any inquiry. It was established a special Joint Task Force-Police Police, who was appointed head of the commissioner Sandro Federico with the task of dealing exclusively with the case. In parallel, reliable 'to a pool of quoted criminologists advice' cause you can draw the profile of the man who was looking for. Professor De Fazio, renowned university criminologist 'di Modena, picked the best of his staff to draw up a comparative survey of several murders in order to return unit to' the traces left by the killer so far, while the newly formed task force, which took the acronym actually a bit 'Film SAM anti monster team, we care' plan to organize a rapid intervention in the unfortunate event that you encounter a new event. Before that, however, 'was' taken another decision striking, that I shall not want' to generate considerable controversy, but explained very well what it meant starting all over again. The measure was to be delivered by the municipal authorities of all municipalities in the province of Florence, the names of single men, or living with relatives but not married, at age 'between 30 and 60. The aim was to draw up a list of possible suspects in advance, comparing the personal data positive for locations of the crimes with those of previous convictions for sexual offenses. These names were then passed to the SAM in order to implement a series of targeted raids in the immediacy of the new double homicide. A corollary of the program was also targeted perqisizioni the request to toll collectors on weekends dell'Autosole to record the license plates of vehicles passing the toll in the evening and night, and this' cause it was suspected that the murderer would use the atostrada to its movements. For the first time investigators had made in terms of not having to submit passively to the shaggy 'the maniac and finally being able to respond in kind to his provocations, and that is why what happened soon after was incredible.
Part Two ------------------------------------------- Part Four ---
Tricomi in the courts, and in September in comparison, I'll be 'back to point the finger at Francesco Vinci, who, as in 68, I look like' in fact the character that most 'probably would wear clothes jealous lover can avenge Locci. But to substantiate the allegations of the witness there was something else. Among the reports of the Carabinieri cue 'information regarding a Renault 4 of Vinci, found June 20, that is, the day after the murder, infrascata near Grosseto Volterrana along the road ie' that led directly to Baccaiano. There was enough to sign a summons, but Francesco Vinci, who earlier had been denounced by his wife to abuse family members, had already 'gone without a trace. Its hard but not hiding 'a lot, since' Aug. 15 was found and arrested at the home of John Calamosca , a Sardinian origin of Imola already 'attention in the past for his visits with John Farina. The Calamosca tell 'that he later asked the Vinci not only hospitality', but also to provide him with a false passport to flee

Although the arrest is made in the history of abuse, what is the real purpose of the judiciary will become 'evident November 7 when they will investigate the prosecutor formally' for all the murders from that of 1968. Reporters that the judge asked if the survey Tricomi had arrived at a turning point, it responded ambiguously, saying that it was actually 'more time' investigation and the critic with the most 'high risk that the short- monster could turn up with a new murder. Months passed but the 22 gauge was fortunately in silence on the faces of the investigators begin 'to return the smile, so that the press began to envisage the real possibility' that the monster had finally behind bars. Vinci also hung on the other small finds, such as the use of a drug the same as the packaging of which had been found near the car of the boys Baccaiano after the murder, and the deposition of the old 70, Conticelli. In reality, 'already' a month later, those two clues were refuted by the defense that showed how much the drug taken by Vinci did not have to do with the active ingredient of Norzetam, whether the shell casings found in the farmhouse which he had Conticelli spoke had something to do with those of the Monster of Florence (The Nation 83 Feb. 9)
Francesco Vinci in prison showed a strange mix of concern and security, especially the latter performed in front of judges who questioned understand well how unlikely it would be a confession.
But that security was well placed it is understood the September 10, 1983, when a handful of .22-caliber shells, thrown to the side of a camper van with German number plate, I seem to 'turn the key that was used to open the cell suspect's at 19:30 of Saturday, September 10, a German importer guest in an apartment in a prestigious villa Giogoli made a frantic phone call to the Police. The man had discovered two corpses in a Volkswagen van parked in a clearing about 100 meters away from his house. In short, the area was filled with 'car with the flashing lights on, divided and frightened faces among them being those of Dr. Della Vigna and Dr. Monica. After photographing the shells one of the officers gave it a couple showing the H to the prosecutor on the case back well to the fore, as long as this does not rise without words' eyes turning toward the truck, perhaps to escape the annoyance of the powerful halogen lights, maybe to mask the incomprehensible words that he was recovering from his Tuscan memory verses Angiolieri Cecco. That new
double murder but 'is' strange, so strange that the doors of the prison to

Although Francesco Vinci was about to be acquitted, the judge did not give up Rotella won but he could not 'identify someone who could step into the shoes of possible accomplices or companions of raids between the Sardinian, or between family members, which Moreover, apart from the young nephew

FATO you had the double name
of shots fired
That Italian rickety, written by alternating upper and lowercase letters, was compiled by the hand of John Mele , brother of Stephen, probably the day on which 82 had appeared in newspapers the sensational news of the connection with the crime of '68. Apparently the man had wanted to remember what to say to his brother to prevent the suspects would take the leadership of the clan, and in particular one had bothered to remove the chestnuts from the fire-in-law, Peter Mucciarini, whose name had appeared on one of numerous hearings of the small Natalino Mele. Rotella for the first phrase was self-evident in this sense, the second was a suggestion to repeat the accusations against those who have not been able to involve them, and the third showed what was the particular report to be credible in its presence at the time of ' murder, that is, the number of shots fired. In fact, Stefano Mele had that sign on, even properly seen that reference 'of 8 shots while the wrong finetsrino from which they had been fired. That note, along with some wiretaps and environmental factors, which persuaded the magistrate to commit the murder had been the clan of Apple. They therefore acted because 'tired of the constant head shots Locci and continuous humiliations to which the family was referred because of his treatment of her husband.
During the press conference announcing the release of Francesco Vinci, Dr. Rotella surprises throughout the audience of reporters by declaring that henceforth they were f

to support the arrest warrant was also presented results of a search warrant to John Mele, whose car, a Fiat 128, was found what was called a real monster kit, consisting of knives, ropes, rags and liquid to clean hands. Actually nothing of those objects contained the slightest trace of use in one of the crimes, but it was enough because 'the journalists for the time they did not ask too many questions.
Detained Mucciarini Apples and began to accuse one another, with the Apple admitted that he had written the note to protect the brother-in but 'could not be certain of innocence, and Mucciarini who returned the ball to the sender saying that he had never asked for anything in the Apple and that if John wanted to protect someone that he was not sure, but maybe another Peter, who also was part of the family. Those skirmishes at a distance, transmitted by their lawyers, lasted in reality 'little time' cause to make it clear that the two have nothing to do with the crimes I think 'again beretta 22 caliber, giving birth to another half-dozen shells murderers with H stamped on the bottom.
On July 29, 1984 Pia Rontini had worked all day at the beach bar Vicchio, where for about a month had been recruited as' the barman for the summer. Despite was the typical job that a young student, as she was, is to put aside some money, the commitment was also significant because 'he chose to shift from 19:00' 1:00. That Sunday, however, 'a sudden change in plans had reached the house shortly after 20:30, and although he had initially decided not to leave because of fatigue, change' the idea presented to 21:15 at the home of boyfriend Claudio Stefanacci. The two boys, little more 'than teenagers because she was just 18 and he was 21, went out almost immediately from the home of Claudio for apartments in intimacy'. After 4 km of provincial slipped into reverse gear on a road that led directly Sagginalese and that is just a hundred meters from the banks of the river Sieve. Past 23:30, seeing that the child is not his way home, Mrs. Stefanacci begin 'to be alarmed and telephone' to the family of Rontini. In a short time began to search with the participation 'among others Becherini Piero, Claudio's friend and former employee in the appliance store owned by' the Stefanacci. It was he to find around 3:00 am the panda with the corpses of two young men. The girl lay on her back about 7 feet of the car in his right hand still clutching his underwear, while his companion was left lifeless in the car after receiving three gunshot wounds and 10 stab wounds. Once again, the murderess had mutilated female body, but had not limited to the pubis. His madness had a horrible escalation and not happy with the first trophy he had also removed her left breast, clearly and without hesitation.

Part Two ------------------------------------------- Part Four ---
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