Since 2004 until today, the heel Achilles Seadoo Supercharger are his bearings made of ceramic. We were all a bit past who fortunately under warranty, some less ...
Symptoms of rupture:
-loss of speed and acceleration, maximum speed 45 mph-
at 6500-700 rpm;
-rough seas, Ping exhaust
What happens if I break:
-minimal decrease in performance (best case, in which no component penetrates into the engine);
-sliding pieces of pottery all'inerno disrtuggendo many engine components (including the pump ' more oil to the value of € 2000) involving the replacement of the supercharger and everything you need to disassemble the entire engine to remove any residual Minmi piece;
How to prevent break:
impossible to prevent all motion, from that with than 30 hours with just 4 or withdrawn, are susceptible to such breakage;
What to do: In 2006 Seadoo
reinforced ceramics but are always the same material because the situation has not changed substantially.
2004 2005 For those who have bikes are strongly advised to upgrade to the model 2006 +. However
for everyone to be calm and not be afraid you should replace them with frizioncine metal, durable and long lasting with a very affordable cost (150 € on average that can be lowered if you send the supercharge in toto to the mechanic) I highly recommend for
those on a budget just to disassemble the supercharge and bring those responsible to see that working at 40000 rpm therefore a small error will be fatal.
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