A very effective technique to ferret out even the most suspicious and wary pike is that of dead or Mort Manie m
anovrato. The equipment needed for this type of fishing is different from that for spinning rods that are used, In fact, these are very long with a handle that stays in contact with the whole arm, making contact and optimal control of the bait. As bait using small carp, small chub and small perch that are "inbragati" with a particular frame that takes its name from its inventor who is Drakovitch (see picture on left). This consists of a sort of hairpin steel to which are attached two arms equipped with stir bar and a piece of copper wire of 15 cm with a diameter of between 0.30 and 0.50 mm (hence I was inspired by the 'pop-up trigger I'm talking about in terminals in carp ;-) It can then be combined with a sinker, Chevrotine, black or red for action sinking bait. It is not always so, in fact sometimes Chevrotine is not incorporated in the frame and is connected to the frame on a hook that will then connect everything to the main line. This fishing technique is not difficult nor expensive, as you have seen enough a few simple things, also in many cases is much more effective nell'insidiare predators in our waters over the spinning. That said and pointed out that to give a good mobility, the frame must be the bait along the middle of this, we now see in detail how our trigger fish bait:

The step-insert the range of the fish through the mouth-
II step-take the copper wire and pass through the fish a few millimeters behind the gills and then go and to ensure the frame without cutting the flesh of the bait-

III step-by-position the anchors in a belly, tied to the shorter arm, and a tail, tied to the longer-
Here is a picture of how the recovery must be performed, which is of the same type as the one for use with silicone *:

* Drakovitch the frame for the initiation of silicone is shaped like a fork, but a corkscrew and has no copper wire. In trade, I know, is not, but you can make enough hand to obtain: stainless steel wire (available at any hardware store), proportionate to the size of the bait keepers of soft steel wire that appropriate to build terminals for pike and a little 'imagination and intuition ... good job! (If you enjoyed Build well even some classical frame ... ;-) I also suggest you save this topic for watching the movie with emule download [DivX - ITA Fishing] DVD Fishing 0 - Predators - pike fishing )
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