Am The River
Azzoni and full of strange and very big fish but certainly the most beautiful are the peacock bass (left), from the colorful and eye-catching livery, which can sup
treasuries 5 kg and revealed a strong opponent at every opportunity, even when it has to do with smaller individuals, and the tiger catfish the most fascinating of the many species of catfish in the Rio (you can make meetings with specimens over 10 kg of weight!). We remain in America, but let's move further north along the coasts of Florida, where she awaits the big tarpon (left), fish whose average size is around 50 kg
and can reach 100 for 2, maximum length of 40 m! A giant from the monstrous power that will give you a lot 'of a hard ... a warning: The tarpon has a very hard palate, so you need to shoe with a lot of strength (can also be found along the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200b
lle Antilles). We are now going to Hawaii, where, in the middle of beautiful coral reefs, we can meet the anglers' dream of spinning, the GT Trevally, Carangidis that may be more than 30 kg in weight. The fight with this fish does not last long, as happens when you have to do with the tarpon, but it's definitely intense, the limit of endurance of the equipment (they are still all over the Pacific Ocean and also in the Indian Ocean) . We continue to move east until you reach
are in Southeast Asia, where major rivers in the lives of perhaps the most aggressive freshwater predators, namely the snakehead, a prehistoric-looking fish in There are different species, some of which are also present in North America. Its maximum size is 30 kg (not the case of the specimen in the photo on the right hand that belongs to a species that rarely exceeds 5 kg). If you are interested in searching the Internet are easily planned and well organized group expeditions. To meet these predators live is very costly in economic terms, but perhaps a price dreams? ... You will judge ;-)

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