October 24
" The monster and 'reappeared last night "
Maurizio Naldini
Maurizio Naldini
At 11:00 retirees and Bruno Armando Corsini Cavani found the bodies of two youths at a dirt road in the area Bartolini. The boy, Stefano Baldi, worker and the father is dead, lying next to a golf FiA21640 black license plate with the broken window, the driver's door open and the passenger stuck (and 'in reality' the opposite nda). Wearing only shirt and a boot to his left foot. The girl, Susanna Cambi, worked with his mother in a clothes shop in Via Faenza, and was also bereft of a father, is found in a ditch on the opposite side with his face almost relaxed and with an expression of surprise was impressed when Death - At 19:00, after work, the boy would have reached the girl in her home, and then leave shortly after being directed where they dined Mugellese
.- The article goes on to state that the two boys were dragged out of the car and their bodies handled by the murderer perhaps. Prosecutor investigating the Palace, the colonel of the carabinieri Dell'Amico, Commissioner Federico, Manganelli, the head of the scientific and Castiglione.
" And to think that voyeurs are defined guardians "
Maurizio Naldini
Maurizio Naldini

The bartolini are used by voyeurs, and as' possible that nobody has heard seven gunshots?. We do not enter the areas patrolled by voyeurs without being noticed. These individuals call themselves guardians and protectors of the forests of love. They divided the area around Florence and even behind the division into social classes. Cosi 'quarries Maiano there are the voyeurs of upper class, able to own expensive infrared binoculars, microphones and windy, others middle-class, beat the bush and pine forests of Fiesole, while the less sophisticated range from Monte Morello, Piazzale Michelangelo and the Cascine. It happens that even a good plot, good car to spy on, to be leased to voyeurs who have wealthy time to make the long stalking. One thing, however, 'it seems certain, the murderer does not have the characteristics of the voyeur ... The hypothesis of
Naldini and 'the monster is hiding between the rich voyeurs who rent out their places of observation
Chiesanuova graves at the cemetery on the outskirts of the lawn. Salt 'training on Thursday to be with Susan, but said he would join the friends of the football after dinner at the usual pizzeria. Before the death of her father, then one in 79 of his father.

" Although this hypothesis: if it's a woman? "
Among the many theories began to spread that a woman may be responsible for these crimes. In an interview, Professor Baronti rule it out, and then the journalist promises that we can deal with a couple. A couple in fact might be confused between the other without attracting attention, and hit at the right time without alarming the victims.
Chronicle does not release internal contents and evocatively recalling the historical cases most 'glaring, especially that of Jack the Ripper - The nightmare of London -
Chronicle does not release internal contents and evocatively recalling the historical cases most 'glaring, especially that of Jack the Ripper - The nightmare of London -
October 26

The morning before the funeral is held at the mercy of Prato, just after the end of necroiscopia the girl who was drawn by three mortal blows to the heart and lungs Cosi 'shown Maurri Professor and Dr. Cucurnia, the first stating that the monster ' an expert marksman. Although Spalletti has been cleared, there are few who believe that the witness is not a closed dell'inchietsa page. Dino
Spalletti would have received towards the goal 'of June, five days after the arrest of Enzo, a telephone call that joint heads' brother, and this he confessed: " must know that they are threatening me and if I'm quiet make me end up like your brother "Spezi ipotzza know that even FF. Of course there is 'only the identity' of the 11 (sic) shells of the village, the 7 and 7 Calenzano Scandicci, fired the same .22-caliber Beretta, perhaps long rifle. We are therefore considering again the owners of the 14,000 guns of that type registered in the province of Florence. Meanwhile, the Palace court is questioning dozens of people who for various reasons attend the area at night that goes by the name of Jesus' to Travalle, hoping to find witnesses as the one that said he heard several gunshots around 23:30 - But They are also seeking any evidence of those who have seen something unusual during the day behind the murder. Meanwhile, wagons of anonymous telephone calls come in attorney wasting precious time investigators
Mario Spezi
buried Sunday morning in the cemetery of the mercy of Prato. The monster might be each of us, hidden under the clothes of the mildest of acquaintances. The cameras of the police searched the hidden face of the maniac among the participants of the funeral ...
Riccardo Berti
Our civilization ', even the most remote, enhances love and life and if he does kill out of anger or revenge, not for morbid impotence. The monster is then to be a world away, Nordic ...
Maurizio Naldini
October 27

Friday '23, between 9 and 10, certainly before the discovery of the corpses, some' phone 'home of the aunt of Susanna Cambi, a call lasting no more' than 2 minutes. A male voice polite, a bit 'tremente, and that seemed to come from far away.
A fault broke the line, and when the crew began to repair the unit repeatedly noticed that someone was trying 'to call the number N of Mrs. Mary P. ..
Meanwhile, a second visit led to s covered with three other shells . The autopsy would show a great capacity 'of the monster to handle the weapon in a context like that of a difficle moonless night, with the need 'to be as' fast as possible given the situation. The condition of the shells report indicates that these were purchased at least 15 if not 20 years before , giving manforte hypothesis that the murderess is a man of about 50 years. The shots of weapon would otherwise have taken postmortem as in the other two cases. Change the family decided to bring a civil instructing the lawyer Luca Saldarelli. Only statement that the PG Carabba, said that one or more secure 'voyeurs know who the murderess, and ensures that we are doing everything to get them out of the closet ...
... The article closes with an appeal of the court building so that 'those who can talk about something ...
Mario Spezi
October 28

More and more 'is taken off the assumption that the murderess chooses its victims well in advance , especially if the call on Friday morning at the home of Aunt Susan was really the monster, who could have known of the address just by knowing the habits of the victim. Plus the monster could not have happened to see the car parked in the driveway of Baldi, 'cause this by way of the Meadows, a black golf, in the dark was not visible. But there 's also another disturbing element that goes to this hypothesis, the three girls would have the same physical characteristics.
Carlo Lienz

It follows a new track, and 'possible that someone has seen the monster. The world of voyeurs and 'what once again is at the center of attention, none of them may have seen anything?. Sopprattutto if indeed, as now seems certain, the monster prepares the crime carefully choosing female victims ...
The discovery of the strange stone pyramid trunk suggests a new reconstruction
The monster is approaching almost under the window, and then breaks using the stone. Taking advantage of the loss of the guys running the other hand, opens the door and unload the gun on his victims
Mario Spezi
October 29

In this article, for the first time ever in the history of the monster of Florence shows the name of Peter Pacciani. The article 'more' than anything else a touch of local color, and quotes the folk legends still told at the time the last storyteller Mugello, "The Jacket". Jacket sings the story of an old act of violence that shook the placid countryside Vicchio in 1951, when the young farmer Pacciani Peter surprises his beautiful flirting with another, and blinded by jealousy killed the opponent with 16 stab wounds ... (it will have 'read even the monster? NDA)
October 30

October 31

effects media have on public opinion in rebuttal that many lettre come to the newspapers, and often find their space in the internal report. Among the letters to the editor it comparaiono some that stigmatize the work of the media and especially television, which would have lingered on too poor bodies of the victims
" I was friends with Susan, but I knew for many years. He lived next to me in an apartment on the sea. As children we played together, and children the following summer we found ourselves a bit 'more' big-Death of her and Stephen troubled me, but every comment and 'useless. I am writing instead to emphasize the misconduct of the manager: : "
November 1 to 3
" Hunting the monster trying to Borgo "
looking for some connection we arrive at a home in Mugello that was frequented by both pairs of Borgo and Calenzano, even though it would clearly direct knowledge of the 4 young, indeed. The same house was also attended by a physician who then would have changed residence over time, move right in the murder of one of the following.
November 4
A friend of Susanna changes occur in the prosecution for details on the common and spent the last days of the murdered girl. Among the many letters arrive at the newspaper catered 'a singular case in which the text and' was composed of letters cut out of one or more ' magazines. It 's a threatening letter for voyeurs, and it sums up the way with a single phrase, "you kill a voyeur day until 'you do not end"
November 5
" Every day makes a monster Florence "
36 hours from Florence and 'believes he has found the culprit. Has' made the name of a known primary, so that it has filed a lawsuit and requested the intervention of the public prosecutor. To be involved and not 'only DD but also Professor K. Villa LR owner of the clinic ... Sara 'chief prosecutor himself, Dr. Carabba, to officially deny the newspapers this whole slander invented by the breeze People of defamation.
November 7
In a broadcast of local television Florentine appear Cabras and the same Professor Dr. Carabba dicutere committed itself to the case. The debate goes out the description of an individual at all overwhelmed by a fit to act as a temporary, but rather 'carefully calculated, with a deep moralistic connotation ...
November 10
It explicitly by news of the sighting of a red Alfa Romeo in the evening dellomicidio view of three people around 23:30 just as he walked away suspiciously in the Meadows, just a kilometer from the place of the murder. There would be also an unnamed witness who would have heard a few shots right around 23:30
November 26
"600 guns under expertise to discover that the monster "
Investigators track gun fight hard, not to mention those that come with these polygons. It asks for the cooperation of Interpol to formally identify any similar cases that occurred abroad, particularly in the period 74-81
The newspaper would now face the monster known. The identikit (Which will 'only released 30 June 82) portrays probably face of the murderer, since' the description given by the boys spotted the Alpha Red and its occupant, coincide with another sighting made by a couple appartatasi not far from the murder at 23:00. A middle-aged man ', 180 cm tall, and wearing a dark turtleneck ...
November 30
The newspaper would now face the monster known. The identikit (Which will 'only released 30 June 82) portrays probably face of the murderer, since' the description given by the boys spotted the Alpha Red and its occupant, coincide with another sighting made by a couple appartatasi not far from the murder at 23:00. A middle-aged man ', 180 cm tall, and wearing a dark turtleneck ...