That 's a quick summary of the curious coincidences, or rather prescient, and oddities that link the behavior of the monster that is said about him over the years
After the murder of June 81 was lifted the veil on the world of voyeuriso, that the involvement of the driver of the ambulance had Montelupo pesantemnente related to the events of the monster. In July, in an article on voyeurs and their psychological and behavioral instances, appeared to set a picture in picture, which was intent on a hypothetical voyeur spy car from behind a tree. Coincidentally the car pictured was a golf black license plate Florence, similar to that of the boy who will be 'assassinated three months later, on 22 0tt0bre the same year.

In an article dated October 28, but also in others, it is envisaged that the murderess choose female victims after a real phase of stalking, and this because the mysterious phone call received from the Lord changed the morning of 23, even before they were discovered the bodies of two boys. To substantiate this hypothesis it was argued that the monster was drawn to a specific type of women, highlighting the similar characteristics of the girls killed so far. The following year the monster hit 'a girl physically at odds with the first two, high and shapely blonde.

27 June 82, in an article in The Nation, among other hypothesis was made that the murderess of the couples could be a repressed homosexual, afflicted by a dissociation between their intimate nature and moralistic constraints to which the subject had a strict upbringing. A similar hypothesis gias' was made Oct. 81, when a psychiatrist had hypothesized the action of a psychopath perhaps addicted to transvestites. The next year to finish the monster's victims were two young males, and out of the van were found to contain pornographic magazines ripped gay furiously and there laid recently.

In an article following the murder of Giogoli, an insider recovery 'theory on the left breast of a famous psychologist from overseas, rearrange the killer from Florence, and emphasizing the lack of persistence so far on this part of the anatomy of the victims, suggesting the profile of sexual misfit afflicted with an impressive Oedipus complex. On 29 July 84 for the first time the monster escindera 'completely left breast from the corpse of the poor girl.
The August 1, 1984, coincidentally next to other articles that spoke of a new appearance Vicchio the homicidal maniac, The Nation appears on a piece entitled: "In the Realm of the Hare Krishna", which discusses the activities' that the followers of that religion practiced in that of St. Andrew in Percussina. The author for some strange reason, orange indicates the woods beaten by entering latitude and longitude (the latter incorrectly pear ') 43 41' 10 ', 10 14' 50 '. The following year the monster to hit 'practically one step away from that same area.
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