* WARNING: you should not over stretch the wire, but not leave too "soft." In short, you have to find the right balance ... it seems filosoficheggiante something, and indeed it is, but the fact is that what needs to be done ...;-)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Unblock Nasza-klasa.pl
* WARNING: you should not over stretch the wire, but not leave too "soft." In short, you have to find the right balance ... it seems filosoficheggiante something, and indeed it is, but the fact is that what needs to be done ...;-)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Us Visa Confirmation Letter

Why Does It Say Unknown Caller

The barracuda, fish, typical of tropical and warm seas, now an

And finally p

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Cover Letter For Visual Communication
* one of my catch carp in the spring of 4.60 kg
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Watch Los Hombres De Paco Season 1

Soft During Menstruation
When Jenna Jameson Piercing

Monday, October 27, 2008
Long Don Silva Stream

The step-insert the range of the fish through the mouth-
II step-take the copper wire and pass through the fish a few millimeters behind the gills and then go and to ensure the frame without cutting the flesh of the bait-

* Drakovitch the frame for the initiation of silicone is shaped like a fork, but a corkscrew and has no copper wire. In trade, I know, is not, but you can make enough hand to obtain: stainless steel wire (available at any hardware store), proportionate to the size of the bait keepers of soft steel wire that appropriate to build terminals for pike and a little 'imagination and intuition ... good job! (If you enjoyed Build well even some classical frame ... ;-) I also suggest you save this topic for watching the movie with emule download [DivX - ITA Fishing] DVD Fishing 0 - Predators - pike fishing )
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Above: X-Rap 10 cm
Below: Minnow Rap 10 cm
few big fish silicone * (there are very good predictors of the fox head with lead, as in the picture below)
Fox Shad Pike
* The colors to choose from: white, red, orange and yellow
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sample Letters For Community Service Hours

Other artificial interesting to undermine our own, but belonging to the family of minnows, are these:
these you see are all the more famous company in the world that creates this kind of bait, namely, the Rapala-Normark Group founded around 1936 by Lauri Rapala, a Finnish lumberjack. His minnows are, in my opinion the best on the market for two reasons. Firstly they are made with the finest materials (balsa and plastic) and finished with impressive details, and then their movement in water is very realistic and priming (when the fishing action may get you in a linear fashion without too many tricks such as shots, change speed and direction, pauses and tear in, and you still would get good results). In order from top to bottom there are a Husky Jerk, a Skitter Prop, a Dives to Flat, a Rattlin 'Rapala Shallow Runner and Jointed.
RECOVERY OF ARTIFICIAL (minnows and spoons in general)
* how many times I talked about bass on the hunt ... but how do we understand it begins with references to time to find the best points? Well it's easy to look at the water's surface. If you see fish jumping and many trails then surely there are some bass in the hunt. Better yet, if equipped with polarized sunglasses (do not cost much, if they are from 20 € ...) then you will be able to see them just below the surface.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Diesel Leak Astra Fuel Pump

(WARNING: Do not leave the tip of the bait, but bring it closer to the surface only!)
I use it mainly three: the free, ie without plumbing that is used for fishing on the surface with a fast recovery interspersed with short breaks (keep the tip of the rod high), that a rapid descent, for the realization of which are used in bullet weights and the slow-down characterized by a gradual climb plumbing that starting from a foot above the hook moves closer to it. The fishing action with the last two frames is as follows: run the bait and let it fall to the bottom where you have to leave for 10 seconds before you start to recover by giving the small, but firm tug on the bottom and then let it go (usually this is the moment when the black bass attacks). Continue this until the shore or boat (it happens sometimes that the attack takes place at the last moment, even though the bass is a fish known to be shy). This is the technique of pitching that can be used with other baits such esmpio the Jigs (artificial that I will talk in next article).
frames in rapid descent
frame to slow down
The arrangement of the sinkers is that you see in the picture above: starting from 30 cm above the hook with a sinker down and then 1.80 g of 1 cm with two lead weights of 0.70 g, placed each other at a distance of 3 mm, from here down to 16 cm where to put two sinkers from 0.40 grams 2 mm apart, then two lead after 7 cm distant from 0.30 g cm 1 2.5 mm after two lead from 0.20 g neighbors and finally two lead after 0.5 cm of 0.10 g always attacked. To get a slow down even more to maintain the same order for the weights instead of reversing the clearances, ie reducing the length of the intervals between the seals away from the beloved.
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