Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Poems Sister To Pregnant Sister


Hello everyone, I am to comment on a wrong prediction, I thought we'd go broke 19500 to 18000 but nothing, even 19,000 full-bodied and then rebound, I went from short to gain as I said in chat, but not only I earned what I expected but I also remain part of the earnings of course. To me the break of 19500 has stayed with me on my stomach, now they are flat and assess possible scenarios. Leave me less than the second conceivable:
1) break new and arrival of 19500 to 18000.
2) Up until mid-January to touch 24,500
3) finally the husband that I returned on Friday by 19,600 and then go up until Christmas.
This is my strategy: decide Friday whether to take a stand, go long if the derivative will mark 19,600 and flat otherwise I will wait on 20-21 December, the date is very important and are likely to reverse, or a minimum or a maximum of course.
However, I reiterate my current position: FLAT
If I were to wait to change my strategy, I'll update the post.
Good trading to all, and good feast of the Immaculate.


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