October 1981
Around midnight on October 23, 1981 two young , Parisi, and Tozzi, who with their car had just crossed the bridge away from the mill is entered via the meadows, crossed an alpha GT proceeded at high speed, 'so high almost skid on the curve. Inside there was a man distraught expression in enough detail because 'the agent of the science they could get John Sympathy an identikit A boy, unnamed in the reports, but identified by the police, and who lived in the area of \u200b\u200bBartolini, say 'you have noticed in the days before the murder suspect a car back and forth on the road to Meadows' height from the dirt road. Driving the car, possibly a light alpha south, there was a man in his fifties with gray hair
Two other boys, appartatisi near 'Bartle of around 22:30 \\ 23:00 that night, described a man with similar characteristics, big eyes, dark complexion, thinning hair salt and pepper that wandered on foot through the fields. It also noted developments clumsy, and the apparent age 'between 40 and 50 years ....
July 1984 
19 days after the murder was spotted at the crime scene
a person dressed in jeans, brown boots and spiky hair and long
. They said they had gone with the train of Faenza, and that we had arrived two days earlier that same half a person dressed in jeans, brown boots and spiky hair and long
the drafting of the nation, and the number of Bingo service of the same newspaper, came two anonymous phone calls which are made by different people, who reported seeing a man resembling all'identikit, but with hair more 'long , walk around the crime scene the day of the murder and the day before.
The operator of a diner in San Piero a Sieve, Bardo Bardy, say 'that he saw Pia Rontini and Claudio Stefanacci in his club around 16:45 on Sunday. Soon after they sat at a table, known 'enter a tall, well-built, dressed in a suit and tie, his hair very short, blond hair on tan, balding and with the forehead
(Mario Spezi, rolling hills Blood). He, after ordering a beer, went 'to sit on a table outside, and began' to fix the two young insistently. When they went, the man pay 'the bill and went' back. The bartender Be suspicious looking 'to see the car in which he had arrived, but saw no one nell'antistante yard sign, according to Bardy, the suspect must have parked far away to not be noticed. FORTH Note that a man in a similar way would bother the Saturday before the work colleagues of Pia Rontini .
September 1985 One witness, G. Pardoli, claims to have noticed several days before the murder a man with a white bmw wandering around the pitch in more 'occasions. It was a
about one meter tall and 75 of sturdy constitution, short dark hair and balding, round face, dark complexion
. He was wearing a white shirt open at the front, I think he had a chain around his neck, chest hair, I wore dark trousers jeans and sports shoes
Two different groups of people claimed to have seen on September 7
a very tall man, grizzled and with a mustache , aggirarasi in the wooded area behind the plot . One in particular praised as' the man's behavior suspicious. This fact, after realizing that he was seen, sling 'and disappeared back into the vegetation.
lawyer Giuseppe Zanetti * I say 'you have noticed more' times in the days before the crime, parked on the street Scopeti a ford fiesta clear. In a couple of occasions he saw a man described as follows: Height
on '1.75. Sturdy build. Broad face with sunken cheeks. Salt and pepper hair. Dark skin. About 50 years (*) Zanetti's testimony will be 'recovered by the defense of Pacciani
A truck driver in 1994 in Florence, Italy Buianni, 21 in Friday' Sept. 6, he saw out of a street located 350 meters from 'entrance to the pitch of the crime with molding in a Ford Fiesta near the red edge' in the way maneuver. Known to drive 'a person of great stature but not large presence, very strong, many little gray hair, not very white, combed back, distinct in the sense of well-kept, very pronounced nose, dark complexion, in a complex man in the flesh, a man with a certain amount that, in his opinion, could have 40/45 years
The director of the American military cemetery of Falciani, Joseph Bevilacqua *, asserted 'that he saw the morning of 8 September an individual with a uniform similar to those supplied to the forest, or ANAS, which hovered around a narrow road that Sant 'Andrea in Percussina door just to the pitch where the French were encamped. The man, aware of being watched, rushed 'into the bush and disappeared. The witness described him 180cm tall, hooked nose, receding hairline, and the 50 years
(*) Bevilacqua in 1995 will identify 'man as Peter Pacciani. His testimony about it but 'will have' two major inconsistencies, as well as being recovered only in 1995, the first due to its initial description quuella not compatible with the farmer, the second one determined by the time he gave on the day of the murder, and that reference 'late)
September 1974
Four young, D. Assirelli, W. Cobblers, A. Bruni, A. Pierotti, which passed close to midnight and a half \\ one in the Sept. 15 front entrance of a dirt road, 50 meters from the sheep track where there was a crime scene, said they had seen parked there a sedan. The car was parked with no one on board but with the lamp lit. Were unable to describe the model with certainty, probably a
but could have been even
a bmw, or a Simca but could have been even
In a signed article in the Nation Berti it comes to the research by mobility of a "white
127 whose driver, a young Sardinian could know many things about the crime" (Testuale. E 'but likely' that the article is talking about them for a short man who will 'officially suspected and not being available just in a Sardinian 127)
127 whose driver, a young Sardinian could know many things about the crime" (Testuale. E 'but likely' that the article is talking about them for a short man who will 'officially suspected and not being available just in a Sardinian 127)
October 1981
The four boys who provided the descriptions to perform the famous identikit confirmed that the car was a red GT
alpha, but with the hood more 'dark, maybe black An anonymous resident speak' of a car, perhaps Alfasud a clear that in previous gioirni the crime, had walked more 'times so I suspect the road of Bartholinitis June 1982
on New Street between 23:30 Virginio of 19 and midnight on 20 states' that there had been a considerable traffic of cars and people within 500 meters from the pitch of the crime:
126 liver with red roof rack moving with the driver and just
clear rhythm or similar moving between 23:30 and 24 to Fornacette Simca ranch (view as he was overtaken by rhythm)
stop at 23:30 in front of the nearby mill, just after the junction for stern, with ceiling light on and no one on board alfa giulia gray
stop at 21:00 on a pitch on the road towards the junction with the murder Volterrana, the height of a dirt road from which you can 'reach the shore of the Virginia (especially the old-style number plate)
127 white stops around 00:00 near the sports field
124 Green
directed towards Montespertoli at 23:45
addition to the car are shown two people involved in jogging or to 19:00 and until 22:00 (it is claimed they were always the same people, although it is unusual distance between the two zones)
sttembre 1983
At 9:30 on Saturday 10 September, a night watchman known 'a 126
white camper parked next to the two German boys.
Spouses Nenci, originating in Caprese Michelangelo, but residents in the area, claimed to have noticed already 'Lamattina on Friday September 9 a 128 license plate Florence camper parked near the Germans. The lady I speak 'is also a clear mid-size car.
July 1984
Andrea Cain and Tiziana
and molded in different colors, maybe green and yellow. In the book The Monster (M. Giuttari) the name of the witness and 'Joseph Pordoli, which in addition to seeing the bike for more' days, always true, the 17 would have also noticed a white tent and two other cars already 'from 2 September: "For about a week or two from the current 5 until Thursday, I noticed, were killed on the spot where the two young people, a tent, the size of which escape me, and two cars
, a lighter and one darker ". According to the lawyer Adriani Vieri heads the GP (the first mentioned?) Had specified that he saw on Saturday morning: "
... about fifteen feet, into the lane that enters via the Scopeti car stops,
, proceed in the opposite direction with one man on board Zanetti's lawyer during his sorties abitudinali Cycling Via the Scopeti
saw a red Ford Fiesta with molding
, maybe the Firefly model, standing next to a man other than Pacciani. The car saw her for 8, 9 days later. Only the last time, however, 'the person he saw get out to settle his pants and stretch their legs.
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The four boys who provided the descriptions to perform the famous identikit confirmed that the car was a red GT
alpha, but with the hood more 'dark, maybe black An anonymous resident speak' of a car, perhaps Alfasud a clear that in previous gioirni the crime, had walked more 'times so I suspect the road of Bartholinitis June 1982
on New Street between 23:30 Virginio of 19 and midnight on 20 states' that there had been a considerable traffic of cars and people within 500 meters from the pitch of the crime:
126 liver with red roof rack moving with the driver and just
clear rhythm or similar moving between 23:30 and 24 to Fornacette Simca ranch (view as he was overtaken by rhythm)
stop at 23:30 in front of the nearby mill, just after the junction for stern, with ceiling light on and no one on board alfa giulia gray
stop at 21:00 on a pitch on the road towards the junction with the murder Volterrana, the height of a dirt road from which you can 'reach the shore of the Virginia (especially the old-style number plate)
127 white stops around 00:00 near the sports field
124 Green
directed towards Montespertoli at 23:45
addition to the car are shown two people involved in jogging or to 19:00 and until 22:00 (it is claimed they were always the same people, although it is unusual distance between the two zones)
sttembre 1983
At 9:30 on Saturday 10 September, a night watchman known 'a 126
white camper parked next to the two German boys.
Spouses Nenci, originating in Caprese Michelangelo, but residents in the area, claimed to have noticed already 'Lamattina on Friday September 9 a 128 license plate Florence camper parked near the Germans. The lady I speak 'is also a clear mid-size car.
July 1984
Andrea Cain and Tiziana
* Martelli, who had stopped at a drinking fountain along the road from DICOM Fiesole, said he saw two cars, one red, to pass on the road at high speed 'and the only lights on "position.
(*) The two texts would have already submitted 'to the Police a few days after the murder, but without' of their statements that no record was made at the time. Formally, and therefore also their 'posthumous testimony.
September 1985
few days before the murder, on the pitch Scopeti, you noticed a man with a
bmw white (*) The two texts would have already submitted 'to the Police a few days after the murder, but without' of their statements that no record was made at the time. Formally, and therefore also their 'posthumous testimony.
September 1985
few days before the murder, on the pitch Scopeti, you noticed a man with a
and molded in different colors, maybe green and yellow. In the book The Monster (M. Giuttari) the name of the witness and 'Joseph Pordoli, which in addition to seeing the bike for more' days, always true, the 17 would have also noticed a white tent and two other cars already 'from 2 September: "For about a week or two from the current 5 until Thursday, I noticed, were killed on the spot where the two young people, a tent, the size of which escape me, and two cars
, a lighter and one darker ". According to the lawyer Adriani Vieri heads the GP (the first mentioned?) Had specified that he saw on Saturday morning: "
... about fifteen feet, into the lane that enters via the Scopeti car stops,
Fiat 126, white with a person driving that I am not able to describe
"A car also appears similar Saturday morning, September 10, 1983 next to the two boys killed in van ... Giogoli
Elissabetta Carmignani testify 'that it was already' on Sunday afternoon to pitch the Scopeti, and as he climbed back with her boyfriend had crossed the dirt road a car, like a racing fiat
"A car also appears similar Saturday morning, September 10, 1983 next to the two boys killed in van ... Giogoli
Elissabetta Carmignani testify 'that it was already' on Sunday afternoon to pitch the Scopeti, and as he climbed back with her boyfriend had crossed the dirt road a car, like a racing fiat
, proceed in the opposite direction with one man on board Zanetti's lawyer during his sorties abitudinali Cycling Via the Scopeti
saw a red Ford Fiesta with molding
, maybe the Firefly model, standing next to a man other than Pacciani. The car saw her for 8, 9 days later. Only the last time, however, 'the person he saw get out to settle his pants and stretch their legs.
(*) Zanetti's testimony will be 'recovered by the defense in 1994 Pacciani
Italo Buianni The carrier, with 21 of Vnerdi' Sept. 6, a cross' on a street of Scopeti Ford Moldings red coming out of a road just 350 meters from the entrance to the pitch where the French were encamped An American photographer, James Taylor, asserted 'that he saw on the evening of Sunday, 8, around midnight, silver
a Fiat 131 parked on the street Scopeti near the pitch. On 10 September
Fabrizio Mazzocchi witness' that he saw in the night between 8 and 9, a clear parheggiata
mercedes 240 in the pitch. There was nessno on board, but the lamp was lit and the door ajar driving
always 10 September a technician in the publishing industry, Sharon StepMania, an American, reported 'to have seen, at about 23:00' s September 8, a clear mid-sized car with front square
exit road that leads to the clearing of the crime. He said that as soon as the occupant noticed that he was noticed the lights went out, and comedians' to go up the road in reverse.
Italo Buianni The carrier, with 21 of Vnerdi' Sept. 6, a cross' on a street of Scopeti Ford Moldings red coming out of a road just 350 meters from the entrance to the pitch where the French were encamped An American photographer, James Taylor, asserted 'that he saw on the evening of Sunday, 8, around midnight, silver
a Fiat 131 parked on the street Scopeti near the pitch. On 10 September
Fabrizio Mazzocchi witness' that he saw in the night between 8 and 9, a clear parheggiata
mercedes 240 in the pitch. There was nessno on board, but the lamp was lit and the door ajar driving
always 10 September a technician in the publishing industry, Sharon StepMania, an American, reported 'to have seen, at about 23:00' s September 8, a clear mid-sized car with front square
exit road that leads to the clearing of the crime. He said that as soon as the occupant noticed that he was noticed the lights went out, and comedians' to go up the road in reverse.
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