This is 'a collection of coincidences schematic, more' or less significant, that have emerged from the findings of fact and of the personalities involved in this story.

In the series of 80 three boys in four (Stefanacci, Mainardi and Baldi) appear to have lost his father a short time (from 6 months to two years). A significant coincidence yield relatively young age for the 'victims
Susanna Cambi and Stefano Baldi had met in 1973 to the establishment of Viareggio Genoa during a summer vacation. Until then, Susan had spent his summers in the family home near his parents had Paduli, location 'of Vicchio known among others for the massacre perpetrated by the same name, ss, or near where they were killed in 1974 Stefania Pettini and Pasquale Gentilcore. (Maybe even the two boys killed in Borgo had just spent the summer of 73 in Viareggio)
dell''81 In June, investigators dug deep in the knowledge of John Fogg as a result of coincidence that both saw him, Pasquale Gentilcore, live in Pontefract. It is 'but that' the two boys did not know, especially as the Fogg family had settled in Pontefract in 1972 only 81
Eventually the press had highlighted the physical similarity of the three female victims, and every minute more. The coincidence was interrupted in 1982 when he fell under the blows of the killer Antonella Migliorini, a big girl blonde and buxom. In 74, June 81 and 82, 'that the girls were employed in various capacities in companies in the textile branch. In October of '81 to be used in a textile company was instead the boy. (The main activity 'industrial Tuscan and' the rest of their textiles) ) - Another coincidence concerns the venues of the two pairs of Mugello. Riccardo Berti in 1974 in an article in the bar indicates Stellini Borgo one of the places of meeting of the Friends of Stefania Pettini and Pasquale Gentilcore. In 1984 appears a bar frequented by Stellini Claudio Stefanacci and Pia Rontini, plus a bar and 'next to the appliance store Stefanacci. This is probably the same room, who in 1974 Venica mistakenly placed in the Village. In this case the coincidence is not surprising most 'of time, both the small size of Vicchio, and because' the bar is located in the central square of the village, ' therefore normal that the majority of Vicchiesi (and Combs was actually vicchiese) frequent it.
From 74 to 82 on the sites of crimes are vines and olive trees.
In 68, 74, 81 and 84, and 'always a high voltage pylon a short distance from the scene. Today, there are power lines lthough not far away from the sites of Baccaiano Giogoli and, although not prorpio arrive on the scene. Note that John Fogg was holding its national electricity used, although the role of warehouses.
In 68, 74, Oct. 81, 82 and 84, a short distance from where I parked the car runs a course water rispettivamentetorrente Vingone, Sieve River Marina, Virginia stream, river Sieve. Instead are found in 85 spots of blood in a sink site, 40 minutes walk from the pitch.
All places are within walking distance of a road or highway. To join just go three directions (with the exception of the state Pistoiese 1968): the stretch west dell'Autosole Florence, Volterra and the state 67 (below 551)
All sites are located between 5 and 10 minutes from the house where the boys come
In all cases (except of course the foreigners camped) kids after they leave the house are no longer 'seen anywhere else. Which suggests that every time they went directly from home to car park.
With the exception of 84 (maybe even 85) all attacks are performed between 23:30 and midnight and a half
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