Strange Coincidences stories
This drawing appeared in The Nation of August 5, 1984. It would identikit made on the basis of the information on the case of the medium occurred in the same year, and shows the degree of emotion and irrationality 'that blows' not only the population but even the media.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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Phone calls
between 9:30 and 10:00 comes a mysterious phone call at home of her aunt Susanna Cambi. The girl and 'moved them a few weeks with her sister and mother who is free pending an apartment of their properties', then very few people know that changes are contactable to that user. The answer is' aunt, on the other side of the receiver asks a man to insist to speak with the mother of Susanna:
"I would like to speak with the mother of Susanna substitutions
" No, I have to talk to his mother, I must speak of the girl "
The lady did not have time to pass the phone to the girl's mother that the communication is interrupted due to a fault in the control of the building (!) NB Only a few months earlier, the central square of San Jacopino SIP, which operated in all probability 'the telephone line is also housing Change, was heavily damaged by fire.
June 22, 1982
Allegranti and 'the ambulance driver who rescued Paul Mainardi, transported to the nearest hospital to Empoli where it was taken care of by the Moni dottoresa. The prosecutor had asked Della Monica reporters publish, in the aftermath of the murder, articles that suggest the possibility 'that the boy still alive he could tell something.
After a couple of days Allegranti report 'that he received a phone call from someone, who qualified initially as a magistrate, had ordered him to tell what' the boy had said at the outset vitae. Refusal to nurse the hang-up guy 'and then almost immediately return calls. This time, however, 'qualifies' as the murderess, and began 'to threaten Allegranti so that' did not speak. Allegranti and 'the ambulance driver who rescued Paul Mainardi, transported to the nearest hospital to Empoli where it was taken care of by the Moni dottoresa. The prosecutor had asked Della Monica reporters publish, in the aftermath of the murder, articles that suggest the possibility 'that the boy still alive he could tell something.
month of July 1984
Allegranti Also, orama on holiday in Rimini, the reference 'I have received at the guest house where he was staying a second call from the same man. This time, however, 'he qualifies' just as the Monster, and I begin 'to threaten him severely so that' held his mouth shut.
Allegranti will tell 'as a result of having received any calls from the same person or even to 1985
June 1981
Chronicle carried the following years' that Dino Spalletti, brother of the driver of the ambulance to be accused nel'81 the monster himself, had been received, four days after the arrest of his brother, a telephone call from the witness, FF, who had confirmed the presence of the Taunus near the scene of the crime. Averebbe The man said: "You must know that they're threatening me, and if not I'm quiet make me end up like your brother. "(The Nation 26 \\ 10 \\ 81) FF
Also, the companion of Giratina Spalletti, I speak 'of a strange incident which occurred shortly before. He reported' during one of his "walks" in the country had been stopped by a person in uniform, uniformed pero 'F. could not recognize, and that this, gun in hand, forced him to board a car where for about half an hour was the subject of a sermon against the vehement voyeourismo. After the sermon FF was released without any consequence, but to a bad scare.
summer 1984
After the police institution 'a dedicated number for anonymous reports And to encourage 'people to work in public, a strange signal coming' for the first time to the service number of the Nation Bingo. The anonymous report 'that he saw a suspect during one of his infrattamenti near the site of the murder, and that this' occurred on the same day. the fact. Said he wanted to keep anonymity because the report extrconiugale, and promised that he would suffer to that number to give details.
few days later, this time at the newspaper, incoming 'phone calls from a second person, called "the Pistoiese' report 'that he saw a man resembling all'identikit, but with hair more' long, in that given area shortly before the murder. A few days passed and aonimo bingo ritelefono 'making a statement very similar to that made by Pistoiese.
the stalking
1968 Barranca
Joseph, brother of Antonio Lo Bianco, the victim of 1968, during the trial of Stefano Mele reference 'of a conversation with the Locci some time before the murder, in which the woman had confided to him her concern about being a guy who recently followed her over with the
When investigators began to probe the private life of the combs, came across in the testimony of a friend of the young man who the day before the murder he had picked up a confidence disturbing. Stephanie had told her while they were chatting in his locked room, a meeting that had particularly upset. Unfortunately, however, 'at that time by' the mother and the speech is interuppe, probably 'cause she did not want to worry or feel embarrassed to tell in front of her what had really happened.
October 1981
After the episode of the call, the Lord changed you remember 'SUSTAINED made a few days before when, while he was in the car with his daughter, had witnessed a possible shadowing. The lady actually deduced 'from a speeding exclamation Susanna said, "here again the nuisance!"
few days before the crime occurs, Pia Rontini had been her home by a friend after the turn at the bar where he worked until late evening. Mauro Poggiali, friend, reported 'that during the trip he realized someone was following them. The boy, ten years' later, in front of lots of photos of the machine will say 'the car in question had a short tail but in his opinion would be more' short of what was being exhibited in the picture. In 1996, the mother of Pia Rontini reference 'to a secret gathering of a Danish friend daughter shortly before the murder. For Ingrid, the Danish friend, Pia had told him recently that the bar was someone who harassed and followed. She had thought it was some drunken country, but in doubt advised him to abbndonare work.
Related Events
The suggestion of the visual arts begin 'to invade the scene of the monster of Florence probably after the murder of Pia Rontini, and that the presence of relatives of the girlfriend of a famous painter of the Mugello round of Modigliani. Before
pero 'a strange episode that had to do with painting was recorded shortly after the death of Susanna Cambi. His sister Cynthia arrival 'a story by one of the friends who had decided to commit to help investigate the crime. The young man recovered 'testimony, which stated that the first time in an art gallery in Florence, someone had defaced a number of paintings depicting naked women. Three of these scars related to the pubic area of \u200b\u200bnaked figures, which were being removed with a triangular inlay (The Nation October 29, 1981). Subsequently, this episode was identified as that which occurred adidrittura in 1965, when a stranger at the gallery of Ufizi, disfigured 'just like that three paintings, including a Lorenzetti and a Lot.
cartridge bridge niccheri
At about 7 of the September 10, 1985, in the parking lot for handicapped hospital of Santa Maria Annunziata, a concrete tower block site near the exit Florence South dell'Autosole, an ambulance driver who had just finished a night shift trovoƬ 22LR cal Winchester cartridge with the letter H stamped on the bottom. The bullet, however, 'will' be given to the authorities 'only Sept. 14, since' at first the driver was afraid to be involved in the affair. After almost two weeks of discreet surveillance, investigators, September 28, decided a search of the hospital. In the lockers of the staff, as well as a considerable number of journals pornography, is found a list of suspects that is similar to that drawn by the investigators, and never published before (
The Nation October 1, 1985). Then you tell 'that it was a manuscript in which a budding novelist, told a strange story inspired by the crimes of the monster and at subsequent investigations did not lead to any actual connection with the investigation, so' the trail to Bridge Niccheri soon faded away like all the others.
-Where did you find the bullet? Under-ramps in front of the garage -When? -Tuesday 'morning at 6.50, after the night shift, where he found
-on the sidewalk, and half a meter from the wall exactly?
-All 'height of a car parked? -Yes, exactly what time -A 'entered service?
-At 20:00
-... and the bullet was not there on Monday '?
-No, I would have noticed
-Who gave the bullet? For a policeman
-It 's true that the policeman waited four days before reporting the discovery? -No, I was the one to take the bullet for 4 days in the cabinet -E and not 'aware of' H on the back of the cartridge case?
should also be recalled that shortly after the All Saints Police Station, presents' a colleague of the driver support ambulance that held the bullet in his pocket already 'first three months of the hypothetical (at this point) the discovery of 10 September. The two men were also compared each other's position but did not change, leaving a further doubt on the mode 'of discovery of this finding.
identikit 1985
On 22 September 1985, The Nation newspaper published a brand new identikit of the monster. Investigators will rush to deny the genuineness', but the newspaper argue the opposite. cit Republic 22 \\ 9 \\ 85:
Cantagalli ... the prosecutor has made a statement: "The 'identikit published by the newspaper" The Nation "is arrived at that and other newspapers annexed to an anonymous letter to
, and was also given to this prosecution of a journalist. therefore entirely unfounded reports that the 'identikit has been drawn in the same' scope of the investigations conducted by the judiciary and police on the double murder of Scopeti. "Prosecutors added that THAT 'identikit' does not match the people seen in the woods San Casciano in the days before the murder and described by some witnesses. "Not only. coming out of the story of a letter to the nation, however, swear that he had never seen. L 'September 11th the newspaper" The City "and the making Florentine of "Paese Sera" came the letter from an anonymous "artist and designer" explaining that he had accidentally found Sunday, September 8, just hours before the crime, "the clearing of Scopeto" and saw a man. Gave an accurate description of this person, he enclosed a sketch and said he had also sent everything to "The Nation". It was not published a line. For the judiciary was the work of a mythomaniac, someone who wanted to make a joke to a friend. Yesterday the newspaper published the Florentine 'identikit, resembled the one prepared by' Anonymous (circulated agent 's "AP" with the caption "An identikit of the monster, according to some witnesses) as well as the description does not differ from that of the letter ( forearm strong, sloping shoulders, wore a hunting vest). "This is not an accident, I have not received the anonymous letter - ensure Umberto Cecchi, made of" The Nation "and author of 'article - the' identikit is authentic, ran to the barracks of the carabinieri were on their cars. Investigating on this type ...
Envelopes with 85 bullet
On October 2, 1985, a week after the newspapers had announced the dispatch of the flap breast at a time of Pm Della Monica, in came three new envelopes anonymous proxy, free stamp and postage, but with the address typed. Within each of these, which recorded the names of each recipient as Pm Vigna, Canessa and Fleury, was found a .22-caliber Winchester cartridge H stamped on the bottom. The cartridge, wrapped in the extreme 'cut from a latex glove, was tapped a photocopy of an article which appeared in the September 29th photos of the three judges, and that the phrase written on the back of a car, "you have to do a head
The three specimens were analyzed, but they failed 'to establish with absolute certainty that these really belong to the arsenal of unexploded shells maniac, although the stamp show features full compatibility' with that of the shell casings found on scene of the crime. From envelopes, which are of similar origin
than sent to Dr. Della Monica, will be 'measured saliva belonging to an individual with blood type A, but will not be' can then extract the DNA in 2003 when the find was his task by the prosecution to Perugia in the investigations on the murder. The envelopes will be lost during the transfer of custody of the prosecutor in Perugia and Florence, which took place after the opening of the process so the 'Monster said ter. (Or at least were not found in the course of the trial)
The photograph Mauriot

From Florence to Udine
January 2, 1985 Udine is found in the body of a prostitute, Stojanka Joksimovic, 42. E 'was shot to death punch and e'forse the eleventh victim of the chance to show in Udine. In this serial killer to date are attributed to paqrtire 16 murders since 1971. In particular, photocopy 4 murders, all committed during the winter period between 80 and 89, showed surgical expertise as it had been completed with the demolition victims perpetrated by an abdominal cut "S". The same technique, although slightly different, is used by medical examiners during autopsies. The crimes of the monster of Udine, according to the police, would give those of Carla Maria Bellone (19/02/80), Luana Giamporcaro (24/01/83), Aurelia Januschewitz (03/03/1985) and Marina Hare ( 26/02/89), the peculiarity of the victims, in addition to being prostitutes, is that they have been in contact recently with the hospital environment, the first two victims were drug addicts who tried to stop the drug and the last two were mentally ill. But in Udine, September 14, 1981, was also hit a pair of twentysomethings, Mara and Marco Lupis Marmai, while around 23:00 in intimacy were 'car.

Be Blood
beginning of the series of murders attributed to the so 'Monster of Florence said, every act of violence that hit' the Tuscan from that time could not 'not be compared with those . Actually showed some of the elements that made them somehow "related" to the case of a serial killer (or serial killers) of the Florentine hills, while others simply showed some striking analogy:
Lucca January 21, 1984
In a lane the outskirts of Lucca, sant'Alassio situated on the banks Serchio River, at about 23:30 two people in their twenties were secluded for an intimate encounter. Paul Riggio and Graziella Benedetti were hit by several gunshots in their cal.22 fiat 131 just before she have a relationship. For that crime was never found guilty, and although the ballistic evidence did not give positive results, one of the assumptions that was made fu'che the hand was the same as the Florentine maniac who had just shot Giogoli. The investigator Claudio Arpaia pero 'excluded this possibility right now', focusing instead on a voyeur anzianotto of Lucca. Twenty years later the same Arpaia, now director of the police, I will trust 'that hypothesis to an interviewer of the Tyrrhenian Sea, while specifying port that the track is not 'never anything concrete.
series of women of Florence
between 82 and 84 in Florence were found the bodies of four women to receive usual in their apartments. All in the 'with glia years, or had been strangled or stabbed, while they were on the verge of having an intimate relationship. In one case, that of
Clelia Cuscito
the knives seem to Professor Maurri compatible with those of the Monster of Florence. Some hypothesize 'that during the winter months the maniac expressed his frustrations to the detriment of the prostitutes, then return to his summer targets more' areas. Others surmised rather than in Florence at that time acted two maniacs. Giuliana Monciatti
was found dead at his home on Via del Moro on 11 February 1982, drawn from numerous stab wounds and naked breast, groin, and neck. The murderess had removed the woman's purse, perhaps, the investigators hypothesized to simulate a robbery. On October 13, 1984
touch 'instead was found dead at his home on Via del Moro on 11 February 1982, drawn from numerous stab wounds and naked breast, groin, and neck. The murderess had removed the woman's purse, perhaps, the investigators hypothesized to simulate a robbery. On October 13, 1984
Luisa Meoni
, found in his apartment in Via della Chiesa tied with a sweater, and suffocated with a cotton swab. This time there is' nothing was missing from the house, nor that the woman had been the subject of attention of a sexual nature, but was reinvent an invoice for repair issued by the hydraulic repair company letterhead ready to Salvatore Vinci. On 14 December 1983 if the murderess was taken with Clelia
, found dead at his home in Via degli Orsini. This time, however, 'was not limited to murder, but he prevailed sadistically with a knife on the woman still alive. Then he ripped the phone cord, and that he had strangled her, then he was gone without anything or take away '. The last case of the hypothetical series and 'dated July 27, 1984, just two days before the murder of Pia Rontini and Claudio Stefanacci. Always at his home, being blessed, was found the lifeless body of Giuseppina Netherlands, 55, long known to the police. The murderess had strangled and gone again without take away anything.
The woman Cornocchio
The July 23, 1984, in a meadow Cornocchio, a place 'near Calenzano near the main road to the Mugello, were found the charred remains of a woman probably about 40 \\ 50 years, 155 cm high, and that perhaps he had had sex before being killed. Near the remains, about twenty feet, was found a golf green with black side stripes, with no license plates, but that it was able 'to be traced back to a young Austrian photographer of 25 years, who had been reported stolen on July 7 in a place 'on the Garda.
The freak punch
The leather goods strangled
A well-known carver of skins of San Frediano was found dead Sept. 81 at his apartment in the Via Romana in Florence. The man, after the expertise of Professor Maurri mortem, it is' likely to have been suffocated with a pillow. Some suspected a link with the other crimes of the monster seen already that the environment of the tanners' was finished in the spotlight since the murder of Carmela De Nuccio and Giovanni Fogg, but the investigations, entrusted to the commissioner by Quaestor Federico Grassi, will not emerge 'no correlation between the various episodes. Cascine and Maiano
After the crime Foggi De Nuccio investigators pointed their spotlight on world of sexuality 'let' say alternative. One made of Voyeourismo and mercenary sex. Two places where the proponents of these interests are expressed with 'Frequency Band were definitely the Cascine Park and the forests of the Cave of Maiano. In these sites between 80 and 84 took place a few unsolved murders. In 1983, October 10, just a forest of Maiano Cave, known to be frequented by couples, was found dead BB, a mushroom hunters who often frequented the place. He had been shot in the head, perhaps with the butt of a gun and then, once unconscious, drawn with 16 stab wounds, a seemingly unprovoked rage also because 'it' that he had not stolen anything. In January 1980, this time to the farms, was found the body of a pensioner of 63 years then a result accustomed 'place, killed by blows of blunt object while at night he prowled the parks. In 1985, just days before the murder of Scopeti, was instead given to a bank of Florence finere murdered with a knife in the back while he was always at night in the Cascine Park, near 'Via degli Olmi, not far Linden from the disco.
Francesco Vinci
Villacidro In 1960 he emigrated from, and where 'born in 1943, with his brothers John and Salvatore, arriving in Tuscany where he finds work as a construction worker in Ginestra, in the province Florence. Age 'of 21 years he married Vitalia Melis which will have' three children.
In 1967 he became the lover of Barbara Locci and for a time he moved to the woman's house. By Stefano Mele, Locci's husband, has a relationship of abuse and contempt, in line with his character stream.
Precisely because of this coexistence, the wife and concubinage complaint Francis also ends up in jail for some time. Once again, however, came out 'to attend Locci as if nothing had happened. She often travels with the bar known as the "bar of the Sardinian Meadow," the 66 already frequented by the likes of Mario and Giovanni Sale Farina. The young and Win 'drawn from the field and in time will begin' a parallel career made especially cattle rustling his involvement with the kidnapping but anonymous 'will not' ever experienced.
In 1970, the process Apples, indirectly admits that he stalked the Locci after it had left him, but strongly denies any involvement in the killing of women since the 24th of August 68, when Stefano Mele had indicated as an accomplice and the owner of the beretta 22 cal. Jailed for theft in 1973, quit Sollicciano qalche just days before the second murder of the Monster of Florence. In the summer of '82 he was reported again by his wife Vitalia for family maltreatment, and e 'with the excuse that his investigators issued a warrant of arrest while already' suspecting to be the serial killer of the Florentine hills. On August 15, was arrested by a fugitive in the home of John Calamosca, which apparently had sought to procure a fake passport to flee the country. The court Tricomi summarized in the murder of 68 contests, but in reality 'accusation implies consequently the responsibility' in all the other murders as linked from the same gun. In addition to the repetition of the allegations made by Stefano Mele, now free after serving the full sentence, against Francesco Vinci, there are some clues. The discovery of his car on a road near infrascata Grosseto its June 20, that is, the day after the murder of Baccaiano, and its presence in Borgo san Lorenzo shortly before the murder of 14 September 74, presence recorded by the Police who had had to intervene to quell a fight between a man and relatives of a former lover.
On November 6, '82 is formally investigated for all the murders and the media begins to envisage the possibility 'that finally has come to resolve it. Detained man shows concern with family members and operators, but Davan judges never loses his calm, sometimes coming to the theatricality 'as when in front of the procuratre Vigna, who was disputing some facts, unexpected' A metaphor for consistency clues squeezing a sheet of paper and saying, "Look doctor, this was a piece of paper, but now it ' another thing, so 'are the clues. "When his lawyers asked for a psychiatric evaluation to prove its incompatibility' with the psychology of the monster, the Vinci, during a session with Professor Cabras, saying it would let go of being a know the name of the murderer, and that soon because it would reveal 'was a secret too dangerous to keep. But What About' would be a confidence bound by professional secrecy 'cause things plummet 10 September 83, when the Giogoli beretta 22 caliber to shoot back, killing two German boys. Journalists are presented on that occasion by Mrs. Vitalia when she still knows nothing, and heard the news still dazed and confused
recovering herself begins to defend her husband and says it is 'force him to do so, he never lost hope, and must visit him on September 12 when they will 19 years of marriage, the same age' of the daughter Vania. The interview continues with the story of the morning after the murder of Locci. Vitalia Melis says "It was Thursday ', Aug. 22, 1968. Francis had worked all day and came home tired. The next day n had to start work in the house of a family with a view and wanted to present clean. Washed 'and to trim his beard long days I send' lemette to buy in a shop near you. Then I have dinner 'and went to bed early. The morning had come and take a fellow worker, at 6 sound 'the bell, but they were the police. "
The piece is published foreshadowing an imminent release of Vinci, however, that' does not. Wheel The judge, who took over alcollega Tricomi, keeps the charge for the murder of 68, and probably starts to suspect that the murder occur (in fact, were killed two boys) have been committed by an accomplice of Vinci to exonerate. Moreover, it would be an accomplice who would be entrusted with the gun, then someone who knows who is helping, in practice a second monster.
Francesco Vinci is still not released even a few months later, on January 16th of '84, when the suspects end up the same facts and Pietro Giovanni Mele Mucciarini (will remain ' in jail until the end of October 84 though because of the sentence to be served for another offense totally disconnected from these facts). To obtain this new hypotheses and 'implausible and the obstinacy of the magistrate to plead produce a rift between the two offices, with the effect that from now on the streets investifgative separate. In 1985 Francis
win leaves Italy with his family to settle in France where he will remain 'until 1989 to coincide with the final termination of the wheel along the section of the so' called "Sardinian slope." Back home will be 're-arrested for another offense and stay in prison Sollicciano until the end of 1992. On 7 August 1993 his body was found carbonized in the trunk of his car on fire in the locality 'Chianni. Joining him there Angel Vargas, both incaprettati were killed in gunfire and then locked in the trunk of the Volvo. They spend just 13 days over a cliff in Poneta Barberino Val D'Elsa, the panda is found by Milva Malatesta. Inside the car, completely burned, there are the charred corpses of women and their young son three years, both killed before being set on fire. It suggested a link between the two crimes not only because of the analogy executive, but also because 'some items would Milva Malatesta in a committed relationship with their Francesco Vinci. Both cases remain unsolved, leaving behind numerous suspects and questions still unresolved.
Suggestions and without sequelae.
On March 20, someone has phoned home Rontini, Pia's parents, killed and ravaged by manic July 29, 1984 near Vicchio, to warn that early, between 22 and 25 , something will happen again. Winnie Rontini, mother of the girl, informed the prosecutor's office. A few details I remember: a voice without dialect. A few days later the postman delivered the envelope addressed to Silvia Della Monica. Inside c 'was the videotape and a letter typed. In all thirty lines that are still covered by the confidentiality of investigations. I can not reveal the content, says the prosecutor Cantagalli besieged by journalists. But what does that there is written, it's delirious, is the work of one of the usual mythomaniac, cut short Piero Luigi Vigna. (Republic April 14, 1987)
In an article in the Courier dated January 5, 1997 citing a strange episode dating back to 1983, which would be another disturbing connection between the murder and the next of the French in 1985:
"In terms of investigations
yesterday and 'was questioned, the head of Mobile Giuttari, a hunter of San Casciano. The man, John Bonechi, 66, reported that about two years before the murder of Scopeti in the same pitch where the two German tourists were killed, I 'with a tent outside the shells. A signal was a farmer who had heard several gunshots in the night. A simple testimony that he would think about an alleged crime against a non-couple: an episode in which they are under investigation
. "
, found in his apartment in Via della Chiesa tied with a sweater, and suffocated with a cotton swab. This time there is' nothing was missing from the house, nor that the woman had been the subject of attention of a sexual nature, but was reinvent an invoice for repair issued by the hydraulic repair company letterhead ready to Salvatore Vinci. On 14 December 1983 if the murderess was taken with Clelia
, found dead at his home in Via degli Orsini. This time, however, 'was not limited to murder, but he prevailed sadistically with a knife on the woman still alive. Then he ripped the phone cord, and that he had strangled her, then he was gone without anything or take away '. The last case of the hypothetical series and 'dated July 27, 1984, just two days before the murder of Pia Rontini and Claudio Stefanacci. Always at his home, being blessed, was found the lifeless body of Giuseppina Netherlands, 55, long known to the police. The murderess had strangled and gone again without take away anything.
The woman Cornocchio
The July 23, 1984, in a meadow Cornocchio, a place 'near Calenzano near the main road to the Mugello, were found the charred remains of a woman probably about 40 \\ 50 years, 155 cm high, and that perhaps he had had sex before being killed. Near the remains, about twenty feet, was found a golf green with black side stripes, with no license plates, but that it was able 'to be traced back to a young Austrian photographer of 25 years, who had been reported stolen on July 7 in a place 'on the Garda.
The freak punch
The leather goods strangled
A well-known carver of skins of San Frediano was found dead Sept. 81 at his apartment in the Via Romana in Florence. The man, after the expertise of Professor Maurri mortem, it is' likely to have been suffocated with a pillow. Some suspected a link with the other crimes of the monster seen already that the environment of the tanners' was finished in the spotlight since the murder of Carmela De Nuccio and Giovanni Fogg, but the investigations, entrusted to the commissioner by Quaestor Federico Grassi, will not emerge 'no correlation between the various episodes. Cascine and Maiano
After the crime Foggi De Nuccio investigators pointed their spotlight on world of sexuality 'let' say alternative. One made of Voyeourismo and mercenary sex. Two places where the proponents of these interests are expressed with 'Frequency Band were definitely the Cascine Park and the forests of the Cave of Maiano. In these sites between 80 and 84 took place a few unsolved murders. In 1983, October 10, just a forest of Maiano Cave, known to be frequented by couples, was found dead BB, a mushroom hunters who often frequented the place. He had been shot in the head, perhaps with the butt of a gun and then, once unconscious, drawn with 16 stab wounds, a seemingly unprovoked rage also because 'it' that he had not stolen anything. In January 1980, this time to the farms, was found the body of a pensioner of 63 years then a result accustomed 'place, killed by blows of blunt object while at night he prowled the parks. In 1985, just days before the murder of Scopeti, was instead given to a bank of Florence finere murdered with a knife in the back while he was always at night in the Cascine Park, near 'Via degli Olmi, not far Linden from the disco.
Francesco Vinci
Villacidro In 1960 he emigrated from, and where 'born in 1943, with his brothers John and Salvatore, arriving in Tuscany where he finds work as a construction worker in Ginestra, in the province Florence. Age 'of 21 years he married Vitalia Melis which will have' three children.
In 1967 he became the lover of Barbara Locci and for a time he moved to the woman's house. By Stefano Mele, Locci's husband, has a relationship of abuse and contempt, in line with his character stream.
Precisely because of this coexistence, the wife and concubinage complaint Francis also ends up in jail for some time. Once again, however, came out 'to attend Locci as if nothing had happened. She often travels with the bar known as the "bar of the Sardinian Meadow," the 66 already frequented by the likes of Mario and Giovanni Sale Farina. The young and Win 'drawn from the field and in time will begin' a parallel career made especially cattle rustling his involvement with the kidnapping but anonymous 'will not' ever experienced.
In 1970, the process Apples, indirectly admits that he stalked the Locci after it had left him, but strongly denies any involvement in the killing of women since the 24th of August 68, when Stefano Mele had indicated as an accomplice and the owner of the beretta 22 cal. Jailed for theft in 1973, quit Sollicciano qalche just days before the second murder of the Monster of Florence. In the summer of '82 he was reported again by his wife Vitalia for family maltreatment, and e 'with the excuse that his investigators issued a warrant of arrest while already' suspecting to be the serial killer of the Florentine hills. On August 15, was arrested by a fugitive in the home of John Calamosca, which apparently had sought to procure a fake passport to flee the country. The court Tricomi summarized in the murder of 68 contests, but in reality 'accusation implies consequently the responsibility' in all the other murders as linked from the same gun. In addition to the repetition of the allegations made by Stefano Mele, now free after serving the full sentence, against Francesco Vinci, there are some clues. The discovery of his car on a road near infrascata Grosseto its June 20, that is, the day after the murder of Baccaiano, and its presence in Borgo san Lorenzo shortly before the murder of 14 September 74, presence recorded by the Police who had had to intervene to quell a fight between a man and relatives of a former lover.
On November 6, '82 is formally investigated for all the murders and the media begins to envisage the possibility 'that finally has come to resolve it. Detained man shows concern with family members and operators, but Davan judges never loses his calm, sometimes coming to the theatricality 'as when in front of the procuratre Vigna, who was disputing some facts, unexpected' A metaphor for consistency clues squeezing a sheet of paper and saying, "Look doctor, this was a piece of paper, but now it ' another thing, so 'are the clues. "When his lawyers asked for a psychiatric evaluation to prove its incompatibility' with the psychology of the monster, the Vinci, during a session with Professor Cabras, saying it would let go of being a know the name of the murderer, and that soon because it would reveal 'was a secret too dangerous to keep. But What About' would be a confidence bound by professional secrecy 'cause things plummet 10 September 83, when the Giogoli beretta 22 caliber to shoot back, killing two German boys. Journalists are presented on that occasion by Mrs. Vitalia when she still knows nothing, and heard the news still dazed and confused
recovering herself begins to defend her husband and says it is 'force him to do so, he never lost hope, and must visit him on September 12 when they will 19 years of marriage, the same age' of the daughter Vania. The interview continues with the story of the morning after the murder of Locci. Vitalia Melis says "It was Thursday ', Aug. 22, 1968. Francis had worked all day and came home tired. The next day n had to start work in the house of a family with a view and wanted to present clean. Washed 'and to trim his beard long days I send' lemette to buy in a shop near you. Then I have dinner 'and went to bed early. The morning had come and take a fellow worker, at 6 sound 'the bell, but they were the police. "
The piece is published foreshadowing an imminent release of Vinci, however, that' does not. Wheel The judge, who took over alcollega Tricomi, keeps the charge for the murder of 68, and probably starts to suspect that the murder occur (in fact, were killed two boys) have been committed by an accomplice of Vinci to exonerate. Moreover, it would be an accomplice who would be entrusted with the gun, then someone who knows who is helping, in practice a second monster.
Francesco Vinci is still not released even a few months later, on January 16th of '84, when the suspects end up the same facts and Pietro Giovanni Mele Mucciarini (will remain ' in jail until the end of October 84 though because of the sentence to be served for another offense totally disconnected from these facts). To obtain this new hypotheses and 'implausible and the obstinacy of the magistrate to plead produce a rift between the two offices, with the effect that from now on the streets investifgative separate. In 1985 Francis
win leaves Italy with his family to settle in France where he will remain 'until 1989 to coincide with the final termination of the wheel along the section of the so' called "Sardinian slope." Back home will be 're-arrested for another offense and stay in prison Sollicciano until the end of 1992. On 7 August 1993 his body was found carbonized in the trunk of his car on fire in the locality 'Chianni. Joining him there Angel Vargas, both incaprettati were killed in gunfire and then locked in the trunk of the Volvo. They spend just 13 days over a cliff in Poneta Barberino Val D'Elsa, the panda is found by Milva Malatesta. Inside the car, completely burned, there are the charred corpses of women and their young son three years, both killed before being set on fire. It suggested a link between the two crimes not only because of the analogy executive, but also because 'some items would Milva Malatesta in a committed relationship with their Francesco Vinci. Both cases remain unsolved, leaving behind numerous suspects and questions still unresolved.
Suggestions and without sequelae.

On March 20, someone has phoned home Rontini, Pia's parents, killed and ravaged by manic July 29, 1984 near Vicchio, to warn that early, between 22 and 25 , something will happen again. Winnie Rontini, mother of the girl, informed the prosecutor's office. A few details I remember: a voice without dialect. A few days later the postman delivered the envelope addressed to Silvia Della Monica. Inside c 'was the videotape and a letter typed. In all thirty lines that are still covered by the confidentiality of investigations. I can not reveal the content, says the prosecutor Cantagalli besieged by journalists. But what does that there is written, it's delirious, is the work of one of the usual mythomaniac, cut short Piero Luigi Vigna. (Republic April 14, 1987)
In an article in the Courier dated January 5, 1997 citing a strange episode dating back to 1983, which would be another disturbing connection between the murder and the next of the French in 1985:
"In terms of investigations
yesterday and 'was questioned, the head of Mobile Giuttari, a hunter of San Casciano. The man, John Bonechi, 66, reported that about two years before the murder of Scopeti in the same pitch where the two German tourists were killed, I 'with a tent outside the shells. A signal was a farmer who had heard several gunshots in the night. A simple testimony that he would think about an alleged crime against a non-couple: an episode in which they are under investigation
. "
Two monsters to Scopeti
In 1985, the host community 'Emmeus, wanders in the province of Florence's monster Marechiaro,
Andrea Rea.
Andrea Rea.
The man, who already 'had made his first murder at Posillipo in 1983 no one had yet suspected him, wanders the countryside around Florence with a scooter, and its his scooter will 'notice on September 8, 1985 near the pitch of Scopeti where they will be killed the two French boys. When he was arrested in Naples in consequence of another murder, the first against a young man tied up and raped, then stabbed to death and then cut into pieces to conceal the corpse, the coincidence of 85 is noted and detailed, perhaps more ' for the hope that he has found the Monster of Florence to make sure he is not the murderess of prostitutes in Florence. The surveys, however, 'do not lead to anything as Rea and' able to demonstrate more 'an alibi for the crimes of the monster for those of prostitutes.
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