- A ghost in the areas 1981-82 -
At 10 am on June 7, 1981, the off-duty police officer Victor Siphon discover 'the bodies of two young in a country road that opened onto Via dell' Arrigo, location 'Moscato di Scandicci. The two young men were identified as Carmela De Nuccio, 21, the AGI of leather goods Scandicci, and John Fogg, 30, employee of Enel. The boys were out last night around 22:00 the girl's house in Ponte a Greve and from that moment it was untraceable.

features murder, mutilation, mainly carried out on the pubic body De Nuccio, gave a few doubts about the array of maniacal murder. Despite the findings of this rite were made on the young ex-boyfriend of Carmen, but that 'he had an alibi for that night and the rest appeared immediately in the eyes of the investigators as unable to make such a gesture. Not passed a couple of days' cause it made the connection with another similar murder occurred well 6 years earlier in Mugello. The journalist Antonello Villoresi public 'La Nation' s June 8 a piece which set out the similarities with the murder Pasquale Gentilcore, 19, bartender at the internal sale of land SAI of Florence, and Stephanie Combs, 18 years , new recruits to the company secretary Magif of Florence, which took place September 14, 1974 in Resorts' Rabatta of Borgo San Lorenzo. Then the two boys had left home in Combs Pesciola Vicchio around 21:30 with the intention of reaching the disco TeenClub Borgo, where he would spend the evening with some friends. Apparently they had decided on the way of apartments in a field on the banks of the river Sieve, a field normally frequented by lovers of the area and certainly already used by the two boys as they discharge 'notes from the diary of Stephen. Right there, around 23:45, maybe someone had popped out from behind a vine by opening fire on the busy couple in foreplay. Pasquale died 'for the shot and fire, while Stephanie, only wounded, was finished with three strokes of the knife to the sternum and heart.

The murderess but 'had done more', insisted the knife on the naked corpse of the young for a good 93 times, almost drawing the blade with strange hieroglyphics around the breast and the pubis. Finally he took a vine and had violated the sex was back in the car to launch two other stab wounds to the body of Pasquale now dead, and disappeared into the night.
At 8:00 am the next morning, Peter Landi, a local farmer, unearthed the bodies and ran to the local police station Borgo to raise the alarm. The military arrived on the spot challenge the local doctor, which normally was used as a coroner for the recording of deaths. The lack of experience with similar cases prompted the doctor to exchange shots with 22 gauge puncture wounds, and finding no indication that 'even though the shells were scattered on the ground beside the car. Only after the intervention of pathological Fiorentino, Prof. Mauro Maurri , harbor 'to determine the presence of gunshot wounds, and the following morning at the Police found in it but without the shells' can do the surveys on the exact location.
surveys initially focused on the voyeurs of the area and the people who had been reported previously for anomalous behavior. In particular, we point 'attention, perhaps on the anonymous tip, an expert mechanic village, this Giovannini, that some time earlier had threatened him with a rifle in a couple secluded car near his home. That track is empty 'just three days after the arrest of man, which in fact had been found and reported the rifle as a hatchet covered with blood (turns out rabbit), but that discharge 'had nothing to do with the murders. Even more 'brief was the entrance of a young of 28 years who self-reproach' and the fact that it proved 'immediately only a mythomaniac
Captain Olinto Friend's try' to reconstruct more 'detail the habits and knowledge of the victims, coming across' so 'in the healer guy of Scarborough who already' had spontaneously presented to testify to the presence of strange people who gravitated to evening in the area where the crime had occurred. According to some sources, it seems that children, especially Easter, he had obtained from the herbal remedies for ailments of the season, and that the last meeting had occurred not long away from the murder this track also revealed 'inconsistent quickly, but from the testimony of friends of the Reeds would lead to a particularly disturbing. At one of these would have told the girl to have made only the day before a meeting spiecevole who had not a little disturbed. The sudden appearance of the mother but 'would make her change the subject, without being able to specify exactly what had happened. The weeks went by and soon it became clear that this crime would have remained without a culprit, while a sighted criminologist declare 'that the killer would come around again, maybe after 4-5 years, but it certainly would have killed again.
of years I spent as we have seen 7 and the criminologist had basically guessed the forecast. Now, at the head of the investigation, prosecutors were Izzo Adolfo and Silvia della Monica, with the support of the investigation is still captain of the friend you had in mind the old story. Established by the experts and Zuntini Spampinato (the latter also ballistics expert for the case of 1974) that the weapon used was the same, and noting that Pasquale Gentilcore, like John Fogg, lived in Pontefract, Captain Dell'Amico orient 'initial investigation at that site to determine possible links between the two boys. In addition, almost echoing the old investigation, he began 'to sift the world of voyeurs. In reality 'the investigators from this environment is expected to identify a potential witness more 'to find that the culprit. Who better than a voyeur it could have been a murder at the expense of two lovers in secluded countryside at night?
After all, it had to go looking very far, because 'just a mile from the crime scene there was a restaurant that seems to get together some voyeurs of the area.

police headquarters already 'on June 11, Spalletti deny' initially to have been there. Then, faced with the statements of his friend, change 'version and said that in reality' there was not to go back to spy on the couples but to enjoy a relationship with a young prostitute hired towed to farms. Although described in detail the woman could say only that it was Naples, but not his name because 'was the first time that the charge. So after eating, claimed to be back home by midnight at Montelupo and a half. If it was not enough detail of the prostitute with a client agrees to infrattarsi never seen before in a forest 20 km away from his place of work, to bring down the story of Spalletti we also began the questioning of his wife.
The woman, on the capacities naive, he candidly admitted that she went to sleep about 2:00, tired of waiting for the return of her husband. But then 'to defend it vehemently had listed the many talents and in particular the sensitivity' of mind. To prove there was upset and painful way in which the morning of 7 had told her of the tragedy, stating that two boys had been killed "shot" around the bush. These statements, apparently harmless, they played to the ears of judges as the thud of a cannon. Nell'alibi Spalletti was 'then a hole of at least an hour and a half, and then as Spalletti could report the fact to his wife already' on the morning of 7 when maybe the bodies had not yet been found?
reconvene the ambulance driver to get an explanation, but this, although it showed cold and detached, I begin 'to put together a series of contradictions at the end of which is meeting' with an order for custody of reticence and making false statements. Indeed, he initially said he knew of the murder in the newspapers. Shown him that this was impossible, since 'the newspapers came out with the news on Monday' morning, change 'version and say' they have heard about the bar, but where 'the Spalletti was only until 11:00 on Sunday, then very little time after the discovery of the bodies and when no one could certainly have been made public the details of the crime. Again faced with the absurdity 'of his statement Spalletti he refused' to continue the questioning and was arrested.
For a while investigators continued to believe that Spalletti was just scared and a witness that the jail would eventually persuaded to talk. Past but 'some weeks, seeing that the man did not give in, they began to suspect that he himself was the culprit for a few months yet the city 'seems to' breathe a sigh of solievo since 'the Monster of Florence was finally behind bars.
In reality, 'so far in the newspapers did not exist quell'acronimo. Someone already ', described him as the "Surgeon of Death", but you must' wait a bit 'cause the journalist Spezi dies as Monster of Florence, making it appear for the first time on an article in the Nation.
Actually 'you must' wait just a few months, or more 'up to and including October 22, 1981.
the morning of October 23, 1981 two pensioners who were on their way in a garden overlooking a dirt road, located on Via dei meadows north of Calenzano, they came upon the corpses of two boys. The bodies were a few feet from the front of a black golf parked at the side of a low reeds. The car was a guy who lived not far away on Mugellese, Stefano Baldi, 26 years past and a recent study in medicine abandoned because of the death of his father, for which reason it was done to make the worker at the mill Stura Vaiano. His body was also riddled with bullets near the car. That instead of lying little more 'in the, on the other side of the dirt road, was Susanna Cambi, his girlfriend of a lifetime, 24 years old and employed as receptionist for a few weeks of the TV 39 in Prato.
Rain maybe some track had washed away, but the hand of the maniac was so obvious that no one had doubts from the very beginning: The Monster of Florence 'is still free ... indeed, and 'Monster of Florence born. The scientific
fortografo 'a scene that had the flavor of dejavu. The 22-caliber shell casings with H printed on the back, the horribly mangled body of the young, the dates of knife wounds after death and, oddly enough, the girl opened her purse in the back seat without anything but this seems to be missing identity card 'found in the ground (S infamous tory of snacks, Nino Filastò' ). The thing was really weird 'cause the bag to June of poor De Nuccio was certainly gets closely dall'assassino, and well see one of Combs, who had been found even in more 'than 200 meters from the scene of the crime. Then he thought was a grotesque attempt to simulate the robbery, but in both cases the 81 bags were left at rummage and that gesture, they thought the investigators had to have a special meaning for the murderess.
Realistically we will focus 'on other more' tangible, especially two prints of hunting or fishing boots size 44 and a doorstop in granite, half painted red, that the police thought had been used to break the glass. The boy was then under a fingernail, broken recently, some fibers and hair, possibly torn the murderer, probably belonged to his girlfriend (for the medical examiners was the latter case one). The girl instead of a hand clutching a tuft of hair that blacks were traced to a final attempt to embrace her boyfriend during the shooting. The coroner, Professor Maurri , stable 'at the time of the attack the two boys were on each other during foreplay and then the killer to remove the body of Susan had to first pull out the buddy . We wondered, however, 'it' cause it had been transported for several meters instead of 'just download it from the side, why do the girl had only just pulled her sweater over her arm from the outpourings. In the end you difficilmete thought that those details could jump out the name of the murderer, then better use the time to look for witnesses and review reports. Yeah, 'cause there was still time probably just before the 22-caliber Beretta can be fired ... few months at most. On October 24
Enzo Spalletti leave 'the Sollicciano prison, but no one's apologies did because again, according to investigators, Spalletti kept for the solution of the case. And that provides all were convinced that the ambulance driver sappesse, it proved over time that the man received continuous attention by police to commit any new crime. So did you get that 'even a question Parliamentary by a member of DP, in which he asked the interior minister in this regard continuing to insist on a citizen who was certainly innocent. But just like you could blame the investigators for which, given the ambiguity 'of those behaviors, there was that in the words of laconvinzione Spalletti would be able to save other kids? Yet the determination that Spalletti monster 'in support over time have not seen anything to suggest that today would be just so'.
The departure of Spalletti jet 're-investigation on the high seas and the public into a panic. Began to circulate rumors about the identity 'of the offender, entries that are now aiming on that doctor, preferably a gynecologist, now on that one. After all, it was mentioned in the newspapers of the "Surgeon of Death"? (Another delivery of talent ever Spice giornslistico) So who better than a gynecologist could assume the role of the maniac in question? This bad habit convinced the judges to desist from publishing a possible identikit allestino that had been made according to a witness in the immediacy of the crime. Two young , toward the midnight of October 22, had noticed a red Alfa GT race on because of the meadows in the direction of Calenzano. The car quickly cross the bridge of the mill almost swept them away, and good driving saw a man about 45 years old, bald, with eyebrows thick, his face distorted. If quell'identikit had been published in newspapers the popular imagination would break out, and within a few days we would have found hundreds of false reports to screen. Better to keep it only for the consumption of police personnel.
last winter 'without anything happening, but the 19 June 82 the horror back' to disrupt the campaigns of Florence. Shortly before midnight, two guys on a scooter stopped beside a white 127 that appeared to be off-road exit on Via del Virginio New at the height of Baccaiano. The car was stuck with the rear wheels in the ditch side, and had their lights off, but it was an accident. For the two ships' see the bullet hole on the fly on the windshield to see what it was. Scared approached the windows, inside and saw the bodies of two young men poured out on the seats. Looking better realized that the man still breathing, and so 'left the scene to go and call for help in the country. A few minutes later the ambulance was already 'on the spot, while the rescuers, who forced the doors are locked, the car pulled out the boy is still alive although probably already' in a deep coma. She instead stayed in place because 'it was clear that she no longer had' nothing to do.
The police, who arrived shortly after the ambulance had broken down, they found a small crowd of young people who slowly were arrested as they crossed the road. Identified the witnesses and made the findings of the case, but given the immediacy of finding even bother to set up flying checkpoints on the possible road segments that communicated with the place.
The victims were two twenty-Montespertoli, Paolo Mainardi, 21, mechanic of San Pancrazio, and Antonella Migliorini, 19, seamstress for the local firm ANNA packs. The two had left the house around 22:30, and crossed the center of the country were placed on that road in search of a secluded place. They chose a pitch that opened directly on the provincial, so that the tail of the car is no more 'than a meter from the edge of asphalt. That place them, who were afraid of the monster, must have seemed so sure he was exposed to car traffic. Unfortunately they are wrong.
accordance with the statements of the first four young men who had arrived in the immediacy of the act, who then gave the alarm, the Police conducted a possible reconstruction of what happened. Antonella
While she sat on the back seat, and Paul still lingered on the driver's seat, the murderess had started to open fire through the front window left. The first shot must have hit the boy in the left shoulder and the second girl in the head, but at this point Paul was evidently able to restart the car, turn on the headlights, engage the reverse, and flee into the street. The assasssino continutao had to shoot while the boy had managed to gain the middle of the road. Then, perhaps because the handbrake was pulled, had lost control of the car that was stuck in the ditch ran aground. The killer at this point, showing an exceptionally cold blood, had reached the road and fired two shots at the lights to regain the advantage of darkness. He had taken a shot at the man's head hitting the windshield, and was quickly brought to the window through which the guide had put the weapon fired one more time. Finally, he removed the keys from the framework, perhaps to turn the lights back, and he had cat in the grass on the same side car.
This reconstruction was based on statements of witnesses who had seen the Mainardi slumped on the steering wheel as she sat in the driving seat. But when 'respondents were nurses who had physically removed the boy, who said something quite different. Paul also claimed to have found the rear seat and the seat tilting forward seemed to bear him out. The discrepancy remained unresolved, with the Police who kept the original reconstruction ignoring the testimony of the ambulance crew.
However the prosecutor in the Monica had a clever idea, persuaded the press to include the article in any doubt that the Mainardi, still alive, he could declare something on the way to hospital, and so 'was' made (on June 22 of the nation appears indeed this hypothesis, although the day before he had explicitly said that the boy had died without being able to say anything).
not spent three days that the ambulance driver, whose name had appeared in newspapers, comes a mysterious and disturbing phone call. Callers', posing for a first magistrate, seeking 'to get by' Allegranti details on what the victim had said at the outset vitae. The refusal to talk about the same thing over the phone, the man began 'to threaten him but this time' qualifying as the murderess.
The episode could not 'never be occurred, since 'no one had bothered to put the phone under control of the rescuers, perhaps limited only to those Hospital of Empoli, and then there was still the tool of phone records. He remained, therefore, only the feeling that perhaps the murderess had been irritated by that trap, as long as to make that phone call was not someone else.
But now 'the panic of the public seem to' infect the investogatori, that after a year they found themselves with zero evidence, 6 dead bodies on their shoulders, and the suspect most 'popular, a doctor cleared by an alibi for the last crime. This psychological pressure that had to be on June 30 led them to publish the identikit made to October 81 because 'it was clear that such a move had only complicated the investigation rather than' help. Moreover, the murder of Baccaiano, despite the temporary loss of control by the killer, did not result in other clues. Time of the crime on the street, had been noted at least half a dozen cars, both still in transit, but amazingly neither of these port 'anything or' relevant. Among the witnesses was also that of Mr Calonaci , which Cerbaia, half an 'hour before the murder, he noticed one man inside a car to suspicion. He said the Calonaci that seemed looking for something or someone in the crowd in celebration, but trying 'to stay at the unlit road, and when you realized he quickly retreated into the light almost was caught stealing in the church . Not even trace port 'to anything but the hard chaos' just because' about three weeks' later occurs' a twist.
In the official version of the episode says that in early July 1982 a police sergeant, that Francesco Fiore , remembered 'suddenly the same crime happened in 1968, this time even a Signa. Strangely, after the connection with the 74 no one had bothered to see whether there were other similar cases, but maybe that the 68 was not considered because 'of that crime was found guilty, convicted and even up to 1980 still in prison. Despite this' recovered from the magistrates court in Perugia in the process of 68 cards, and to their surprise they were found among the shells, and bullets, used against the pair of Signa. The 5 cal.22 LR cartridge cases were in reality 'to be destroyed by time, that' since the sentence had become final in 73. Instead, you want to be an oversight, or as some say because it 's not normal practice to destroy the shells if there' s also the weapon, those finds were there 'ready to be compared with those of the Monster of Florence.
When the outcome of the report of the Colonel and Dr. Spampinato Castiglione confirm 'that the weapon was always the same from 68 to 82 the noise was considerable.
On one hand, investigators think they are finally close to solving the case, the other concerned with the consequences on the court who was apparently led to the conviction of an innocent.
In this episode, but there 's also a different version, at least with regard to the different modes' by which the connection was made with 68. According to the journalist Mario Spezi, who already 'public' the thing in the 80s, to put judges on the runway of the crime of Signa was not the memory of Marshal Flower, or at least not only, but an anonymous letter that contained a newspaper article of 23 August 1968 in which spoke of the murder. On the reverse side of this a handwritten note suggesting the precess of going to see who was held in Perugia.
the journalist reported this news was nothing less than the magistrate Tricomi, holder at the time of the investigation along with Monica, and in support of that version would have provided the magistrate with a written declaration even Spezi. The fact is that today this letter and 'disappearing every track, even if years later the prosecutor Vigna, when asked about what the journalist, it would simply' to say that the ticket was not among the papers but did not support directly ticket that never existed (Mario Spezi, rolling hills of blood, 2006).
That this suggestion has come today or not we do not know for sure, but certainly in that case the writer of the letter had to be well informed and interested in that fact. To prove the reference to the court in Perugia, where the case had arrived only two years after the ìomicidio because of a partial referral of the appeal by the Court of Cassation. One detail that might not even had a short article in the space of record when the clamor of the murder had been totally asleep.
But what had happened in 68? And if the man could not be convicted, then the monster as he had that weapon to be fired after 15 years?
Part Two
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