
about 3:00 am Aug. 22 when the CC of San Piero a Ponti Giulitetta you come across the white car "park" on either side of the channel Vingone.
Getting started: where he really positioned the car?
The minutes of August 22, 1968:
"... the child who said his name was Natasha, and following its guidelines, come after a few laps at the fork to Comeana vicious, where, about 100 meters on the right, in a farm road, with the front facing Sant'Angelo, and 'parked a juliet ... "
So as expected the Police apparently coming from the way of Castelletti, lasciatasi Signa behind, found the car on the right side of bridge. The car, therefore, always coming from Signa, has embarked on the road to the right and you and 'do not stop the reversal maneuver
The record seizure of Juliet
This indication is 'ambiguous, since the bank and' left or right depending on the position of the observer, but as the reference point of the visit and 'the bridge via Castelletti you should assume that the road on the right bank is the one you take immediately before the said bridge coming from Signa
Location description of the photographic surveys by the caption:
"Overview: The Way Signa Lecore with the view of about 150 meters away where Vingone and 'park the Alfa Romeo Giulietta T Arezzo license plate ... "
Way Signa Lecore nothing and' that way Castelletti, which, as mentioned, and 'the reference point of the visit, so it must be argued that the car had penetrated into the lane for about 150 meters.
In conclusion, Juliet would have been more 'or less at this point in time of the attack:
This position would therefore be an alternative to the more' popular that shows the location a few hundred meters from the road Push the "asphalt and side channel, closed on one side by Vingone and the other by a second smaller gap
Getting started: where he really positioned the car?
The minutes of August 22, 1968:
"... the child who said his name was Natasha, and following its guidelines, come after a few laps at the fork to Comeana vicious, where, about 100 meters on the right, in a farm road, with the front facing Sant'Angelo, and 'parked a juliet ... "
So as expected the Police apparently coming from the way of Castelletti, lasciatasi Signa behind, found the car on the right side of bridge. The car, therefore, always coming from Signa, has embarked on the road to the right and you and 'do not stop the reversal maneuver
The record seizure of Juliet
"... the car park on the street that runs along the right bank of Vingone ... "
This indication is 'ambiguous, since the bank and' left or right depending on the position of the observer, but as the reference point of the visit and 'the bridge via Castelletti you should assume that the road on the right bank is the one you take immediately before the said bridge coming from Signa
Location description of the photographic surveys by the caption:
"Overview: The Way Signa Lecore with the view of about 150 meters away where Vingone and 'park the Alfa Romeo Giulietta T Arezzo license plate ... "
Way Signa Lecore nothing and' that way Castelletti, which, as mentioned, and 'the reference point of the visit, so it must be argued that the car had penetrated into the lane for about 150 meters.
In conclusion, Juliet would have been more 'or less at this point in time of the attack:

This position would therefore be an alternative to the more' popular that shows the location a few hundred meters from the road Push the "asphalt and side channel, closed on one side by Vingone and the other by a second smaller gap
Although 40 years have passed now, apparently a reference useful to determine the location of the car could be the row of tall trees that sees in the upper left in photo 3.
The same trees are visible in the background of photo 2, which is represented in the search for the gun carried by the vigilance on the morning of August 24.
In the photo below shows the possible points of reference with the current situation. For example you can 'see on the left side of the canal, or for those who look away from Castelletti, a row of tall trees.

Although there is no guarantee that it is the same row visible in old photographs (perhaps replanting), the 'apparently still useable only references seem to confirm that your car is on the right bank of that Vingone distance of 150 meters away from Castelletti already reported. The same type of claim
Sebri give the two power line poles.

Following the factors taken into account groped for a reconstruction of the dynamics:
oblique 'shots on victims
female victims: direct hits from all upward and from left to right
male victim: Hits from direct obliquity ' top to bottom and from left to right
1) The oblique' trams and 'more' pronounced in wounds to the woman than those of man
2) The oblique 'shots to the woman is progressive. More 'accentuated that the fatal blow that draws back the' left hemithorax at the sixth intercostal space and more 'moderate as the shots go down to the lumbar region.
NB L 'oblique' and 'according to the position of the weapon than the alleged victim in an upright position.
State of the doors and windows
Unfortunately it seems there is no picture of the left (driving) the car that allows verification of the degree of opening of windows, so you must repeat the information on the reports, statements by officers PG during the news and photos taken, however, 'in the barracks of Signa

The record of survey shows that:
"All the doors were closed except the right rear, which was half open ..."
Dall'escussione hearing of Colonel Dell'Amico also shows that the driver's side front window was open for 3-4 cm, the rear driver's side open in the middle ' so' as the rear passenger side (the latter is well visible in Photo 3, 1, 5)
The front passenger side window apparently fully open
2 shells on the side of the rear seat passenger side
2 shells at about 30 cm from each other places on the ground at about 1.3 meters from the side of the car, roughly the height of the handle of the door opening Left Front (Photo 6)
a cartridge case about 1.4 meters from the first two and just more 'sn far side of the car, placed on the ground over the rear wheel ( Photo 6.7)
a deformed bullet recovered from the garments of the woman during the removal of the body
a deformed bullet found on the floor right rear (Photo 8)
The first problem to solve is to explain the directionality 'high \\ low of texture that is opposed in both cases although the wounds are on the same side of the body, the left, after the woman and man along the side
We consider three possibilities':
1) Shots fired simultaneously from the same position against both victims
2) Shots fired simultaneously from two different positions (two shooters)
3) Shots fired at different times from two different positions
This first hypothesis follows in substance the statements of Stefano Mele, who said that he shot from the left rear window against both victims placed one on the passenger seat reclined. A dynamic
can imagine the woman sitting on the companion that provides the back (!?), and that the first shots with the upper body leans forward. Although still not fully explained by the degree of obliquity 'of the holes of the wounds on the woman, this firing position explains quite well the injured man and the presence of two shell casings on the back seat.
The real point that refutes this thesis' but the disposition of the spent shells on the ground, particularly the two that are close together at the front door left, then moved forward with respect to the shooter should expel those whose weapon shell casings from the exact opposite side (any rebounds against the frame of the window can not possibly explain that position since 'the two cases are close)
Assuming ( arbitrary) we find that the female victim prone on the partner, to explain the outcome of injuries following simultaneous hits (ie without interruption and resumption of the shots) should necessarily imagine two shooters involved in the action.
the first to trace the previous position and the second hypothesis, on the right side of the car, firing through the front window or door right open.
Obviously there 's no reason that you must evaluate the status of the victims prominent than others, but in fact is' just for that starting position that makes sense to consider the action of most' shooters.
This thesis starts immediately with an obvious problem, namely the hypothesis 2 concerning the gunman left the car.
Other apparent inconsistencies regarding the two shooters on the line of fire each other, the fact that everyone would be focused on only one of the victims, the fact that the child escaped unhurt from such a cross-fire. All these improbabilities still leave up to the outcome of the appraisal done on ballistic missiles. Even if you would assume that this report had covered only the comparison of some bullets, would certainly involve at least one bullet recovered to draw each corpse. For each body would have just said that bullets found in only one of two shooters making it unthinkable that the comparison does not highlight the use of different weapons.
Since it admits a break and a repositioning of the shooting, one must admit a possible repositioning of at least one of the victims, which explodes the degrees of freedom 'of the system. Despite this 'and' that emerges from this case to that of the writer Reconstruction most 'efficient and linear dynamic whole.
a) the shooter reaches the left rear while the male victim and 'lying supine on the passenger seat and the female takes part in the driver's seat, perhaps both intent on a kind of pre-advanced.
b) pushes the weapon over the rear window lowered and opened fire hitting the man at least twice. E 'in this first phase of shot that should be brought back the two shell casings found on the back seat. At the same time the woman retracts fully occupying the driver's seat still unharmed. Maybe try to escape by opening the left door, and that 'the only escape route, or perhaps is immediately preceded by the murderer and tries to duck throwing his torso to the right and down.
c) The first time a gunman opened fire from an elevated position just as the woman is bending down and right desperately seeks to escape, hitting it with less inclination to the left shoulder (in view of the shooting emulated Photo 9). In this shot the cartridge case would correspond more 'backlog of three on the ground that it would be splashed over' having a far greater height of the light shutter and a lesser inclination toward the bottom of the barrel.
Photo 9
The front passenger side window apparently fully open
2 shells on the side of the rear seat passenger side
2 shells at about 30 cm from each other places on the ground at about 1.3 meters from the side of the car, roughly the height of the handle of the door opening Left Front (Photo 6)
a cartridge case about 1.4 meters from the first two and just more 'sn far side of the car, placed on the ground over the rear wheel ( Photo 6.7)
a deformed bullet recovered from the garments of the woman during the removal of the body
a deformed bullet found on the floor right rear (Photo 8)
The first problem to solve is to explain the directionality 'high \\ low of texture that is opposed in both cases although the wounds are on the same side of the body, the left, after the woman and man along the side

We consider three possibilities':
1) Shots fired simultaneously from the same position against both victims
2) Shots fired simultaneously from two different positions (two shooters)
3) Shots fired at different times from two different positions
1) Shots fired simultaneously from the same position against both victims
This first hypothesis follows in substance the statements of Stefano Mele, who said that he shot from the left rear window against both victims placed one on the passenger seat reclined. A dynamic
can imagine the woman sitting on the companion that provides the back (!?), and that the first shots with the upper body leans forward. Although still not fully explained by the degree of obliquity 'of the holes of the wounds on the woman, this firing position explains quite well the injured man and the presence of two shell casings on the back seat.
The real point that refutes this thesis' but the disposition of the spent shells on the ground, particularly the two that are close together at the front door left, then moved forward with respect to the shooter should expel those whose weapon shell casings from the exact opposite side (any rebounds against the frame of the window can not possibly explain that position since 'the two cases are close)
2) Shots fired simultaneously from two different positions (two shooters)
Assuming ( arbitrary) we find that the female victim prone on the partner, to explain the outcome of injuries following simultaneous hits (ie without interruption and resumption of the shots) should necessarily imagine two shooters involved in the action.
the first to trace the previous position and the second hypothesis, on the right side of the car, firing through the front window or door right open.
Obviously there 's no reason that you must evaluate the status of the victims prominent than others, but in fact is' just for that starting position that makes sense to consider the action of most' shooters.
This thesis starts immediately with an obvious problem, namely the hypothesis 2 concerning the gunman left the car.
Other apparent inconsistencies regarding the two shooters on the line of fire each other, the fact that everyone would be focused on only one of the victims, the fact that the child escaped unhurt from such a cross-fire. All these improbabilities still leave up to the outcome of the appraisal done on ballistic missiles. Even if you would assume that this report had covered only the comparison of some bullets, would certainly involve at least one bullet recovered to draw each corpse. For each body would have just said that bullets found in only one of two shooters making it unthinkable that the comparison does not highlight the use of different weapons.
3) Shots fired at different times from two different positions
Since it admits a break and a repositioning of the shooting, one must admit a possible repositioning of at least one of the victims, which explodes the degrees of freedom 'of the system. Despite this 'and' that emerges from this case to that of the writer Reconstruction most 'efficient and linear dynamic whole.
a) the shooter reaches the left rear while the male victim and 'lying supine on the passenger seat and the female takes part in the driver's seat, perhaps both intent on a kind of pre-advanced.
b) pushes the weapon over the rear window lowered and opened fire hitting the man at least twice. E 'in this first phase of shot that should be brought back the two shell casings found on the back seat. At the same time the woman retracts fully occupying the driver's seat still unharmed. Maybe try to escape by opening the left door, and that 'the only escape route, or perhaps is immediately preceded by the murderer and tries to duck throwing his torso to the right and down.
c) The first time a gunman opened fire from an elevated position just as the woman is bending down and right desperately seeks to escape, hitting it with less inclination to the left shoulder (in view of the shooting emulated Photo 9). In this shot the cartridge case would correspond more 'backlog of three on the ground that it would be splashed over' having a far greater height of the light shutter and a lesser inclination toward the bottom of the barrel.

d) At this initial movement of the woman, or even a hypothetical attempt to start the car (?), Could correspond accidentally turning on the right arrow, then the movement that would in any case with the torso bent to the right floor front exposing his back to the shooter (see diagram 2). Now the shooter, remaining distant from the door, stoop to retrieve the view of the interior of the car (Photo 10), in turn, lowering and tilting the gun at the ground to shoot the other shots. These shots should match the two shells close to sag because of the greater inclination of the gun and have fallen a lot more 'to the left of the first (Photo 6)
Scheme 2
Photo 10

The entire action from first to last shot can 'have taken place in a time much closer to 5 than to 10 seconds, resulting in a double success mortal who logically should have led the murderess to leave the scene quickly after closing the front door.
and I 'but' at least one element that indicates the gross manipulation of the next female body, since 'the woman can hardly' have taken over the individual sitting with his back against the back view of the laceration of the right atrium (incidentally, and 'the other hand, this hypothesis by the ballistic expert Colonel Zuntini). But first 'to address this issue and' good to try to refute the dynamic heads 'reported with secondary elements of the scene, namely those whose origins and' more 'random or perhaps uncertain because' inferred from the photos
The woman 'was drawn by two bullets transfixation, one of which is found among the clothes during the removal of the corpse (probably the one that comes before the base between thorax and abdomen). The other, released at a height of mediosternale, would continue its journey down slightly from right to left and running into the structures of the passenger side floor, which reached the bounce against the lower structures of the seat and door. If this path has not met the male victim's legs, not 'hard to imagine a carom under the seat or in the space between seat and door at the end of which ends up in the observed position.
on the human body there are two shots transfixation arm and left forearm, one of which according to the expert would be within the chest. Actually, the vision of the photos and claims of lawyers that version of the coroner seems to be doubted, and at least one of the shots in the arm could not be any back in the chest (it is observed a bruise on the axillary line that clearly explains the impact with no penetration) If one of the bullets had stopped on the surface Having pierced the side of the arm, had impacted the side of the back after having pierced the forearm, its presence can be explained perfectly right on the floor behind the back.
But there would also be an objective that could contradict the memory of the witness and that it follows from the following photo:
In this picture it looks to see the portion of the heel of a shoe man still on the floor next to the seat with the door open, then in a position compatible with the opening of the door from part of the shooting.
and I 'but' at least one element that indicates the gross manipulation of the next female body, since 'the woman can hardly' have taken over the individual sitting with his back against the back view of the laceration of the right atrium (incidentally, and 'the other hand, this hypothesis by the ballistic expert Colonel Zuntini). But first 'to address this issue and' good to try to refute the dynamic heads 'reported with secondary elements of the scene, namely those whose origins and' more 'random or perhaps uncertain because' inferred from the photos
found on site are at least two bullets, one of which is located in the space between the rear seat and front passenger. As we could arrive with the dynamics just mentioned? The woman 'was drawn by two bullets transfixation, one of which is found among the clothes during the removal of the corpse (probably the one that comes before the base between thorax and abdomen). The other, released at a height of mediosternale, would continue its journey down slightly from right to left and running into the structures of the passenger side floor, which reached the bounce against the lower structures of the seat and door. If this path has not met the male victim's legs, not 'hard to imagine a carom under the seat or in the space between seat and door at the end of which ends up in the observed position.
on the human body there are two shots transfixation arm and left forearm, one of which according to the expert would be within the chest. Actually, the vision of the photos and claims of lawyers that version of the coroner seems to be doubted, and at least one of the shots in the arm could not be any back in the chest (it is observed a bruise on the axillary line that clearly explains the impact with no penetration) If one of the bullets had stopped on the surface Having pierced the side of the arm, had impacted the side of the back after having pierced the forearm, its presence can be explained perfectly right on the floor behind the back.
The shoe
Nell'escussione Dell'Amico hearing of Colonel during the first trial against Pacciani, it mentions a shoe that would be lost by the male victim tumbled out of the car when a policeman opened the door guide. This episode is referred to as a reminder of what the witness' that was reported by colleagues at the time of his arrival, two hours after the discovery of the crime and when it should already 'be initiated activity' photodetection. The shoe remained in the balance leaning against the door so that the guide shows murderess has not really opened that door to take shots at the woman, thus invalidating the reconstruction assumed so far. The fact is that there are at least two reasons to overcome this discrepancy and the first and 'that there was a boy in the car unharmed and able to move naturally. It 'the same Natalino to say that he grabbed the hand of dead mother, so it must be concluded in part that his presence in the car, and his movements, something may have changed the scene postcrimine, maybe even the position of the shoe as a result of the child strattonature the woman's arm could be, for example, slid off the edge of the seat to the space between it and the door. But there would also be an objective that could contradict the memory of the witness and that it follows from the following photo:

In this picture it looks to see the portion of the heel of a shoe man still on the floor next to the seat with the door open, then in a position compatible with the opening of the door from part of the shooting.
In the dynamics given the woman would then bent forward and right, thereby making the sliding hip in the same direction. Looking at the curls of the blanket seems to be able to perceive the traces of this shift is of the trends, bends, both in lifting plaid discovers that only the rear seat (see box on the far right in photo 11)
It should be noted however that the curl, although obvious, and 'maybe small compared to type of movement you would expect, but it 's also true that in any case, the bust and' was subsequently turned back, and this may have ridisteso partly covered. But if the green arrow Photo 11 shows the case for the piece of necklace remained on the right leg, then we would be further evidence confirming the position of the torso bent forward as said so far, is the type of manipulation of the corpse. Assuming in fact that the series has been broken while moving forward, maybe 'cause impigliatasi gearshift to the steering wheel,' then it is easy to imagine that had been caught in the leg and torso bent. On the other hand, the subsequent handling not would change the position of the series, which, along with the type of movement of the deck, there should be excluded from the entrainment of the body in the passenger seat driving or other significant changes in the position of the body, leaving as the most 'likely to tip the simple torso by grasping the sides and / or shoulders (also congruent with the position of the head falling to the left of the left leg and spinning to the outside remained standing with his foot planted on the ground)
So what kind of manipulation and 'was performed on the bodies? When? And by whom?
If the manipulation and is' limited to the heads' indicated the possibilities' are varied as to who and when.
Can 'course have been the murderess, perhaps in order to verify the death or really to rip the chain from the neck of the woman saw that the leg position is not' reliable. In this case, the immediacy of the incident and when it would occur very quickly throughout
difficult, although perhaps not totally impossible, the child may have been pulling the right arm, the only easily accessible from the space between the front seats. In this regard, it made a small digression: Why 'the child from the back seat would seek her mother's hand if it had already' in the sitting position? From the photo of the visit seems bent right arm and forearm thrown forward, a position that would force the child to lean toward the space of two seats to grab the hand of his dead mother. To search for a contact would not be more simple and immediate squoterle encircle the neck and shoulder? Obviously, the hand would be more 'easily and instinctively reached if the mother was still bent forward and not sitting back with his right arm outstretched .
may finally have been someone that occurred later, perhaps when the child already 'there was no more'. Maybe someone was looking for the woman who came home or maybe someone was looking for the man, such as a family member or friend, not necessarily because 'delayed to go home but maybe since' had been seen passing in the country with his new lover and eventual escapade had somehow A person should be prevented, however, 'know where White was usually a secluded road and certainly that was well known to the victim who otherwise would not have traveled in the dark of night.
In its ruling of first trial for this crime that carries Pacciani reads pero ': "... the murderess reassembles both bodies, particularly that of women, removing it from the top of the White, pulling up the panties were lowered, and trying to cover her legs with her dress ... "
It should be noted however that the curl, although obvious, and 'maybe small compared to type of movement you would expect, but it 's also true that in any case, the bust and' was subsequently turned back, and this may have ridisteso partly covered. But if the green arrow Photo 11 shows the case for the piece of necklace remained on the right leg, then we would be further evidence confirming the position of the torso bent forward as said so far, is the type of manipulation of the corpse. Assuming in fact that the series has been broken while moving forward, maybe 'cause impigliatasi gearshift to the steering wheel,' then it is easy to imagine that had been caught in the leg and torso bent. On the other hand, the subsequent handling not would change the position of the series, which, along with the type of movement of the deck, there should be excluded from the entrainment of the body in the passenger seat driving or other significant changes in the position of the body, leaving as the most 'likely to tip the simple torso by grasping the sides and / or shoulders (also congruent with the position of the head falling to the left of the left leg and spinning to the outside remained standing with his foot planted on the ground)
So what kind of manipulation and 'was performed on the bodies? When? And by whom?
If the manipulation and is' limited to the heads' indicated the possibilities' are varied as to who and when.
Can 'course have been the murderess, perhaps in order to verify the death or really to rip the chain from the neck of the woman saw that the leg position is not' reliable. In this case, the immediacy of the incident and when it would occur very quickly throughout
difficult, although perhaps not totally impossible, the child may have been pulling the right arm, the only easily accessible from the space between the front seats. In this regard, it made a small digression: Why 'the child from the back seat would seek her mother's hand if it had already' in the sitting position? From the photo of the visit seems bent right arm and forearm thrown forward, a position that would force the child to lean toward the space of two seats to grab the hand of his dead mother. To search for a contact would not be more simple and immediate squoterle encircle the neck and shoulder? Obviously, the hand would be more 'easily and instinctively reached if the mother was still bent forward and not sitting back with his right arm outstretched .
may finally have been someone that occurred later, perhaps when the child already 'there was no more'. Maybe someone was looking for the woman who came home or maybe someone was looking for the man, such as a family member or friend, not necessarily because 'delayed to go home but maybe since' had been seen passing in the country with his new lover and eventual escapade had somehow A person should be prevented, however, 'know where White was usually a secluded road and certainly that was well known to the victim who otherwise would not have traveled in the dark of night.
In its ruling of first trial for this crime that carries Pacciani reads pero ': "... the murderess reassembles both bodies, particularly that of women, removing it from the top of the White, pulling up the panties were lowered, and trying to cover her legs with her dress ... "
This finding dismantle all that has been said if it were the inevitable outcome of a thoughtful and scientific and technical evaluation, but if it were simply the result the realization that to commit the crime had been the apple, or at least that his testimony was reliable on the point, then things would be quite different.
It 'obvious that if the woman was on intimate partner in attitude panties had to be lowered, and then, however, that if 'the woman is found with her panties in place should someone avergliele rinfilate. It' s a mere inference that follows from the testimony so 'as is' as the veneer.
And it 'also obvious that the man unbuttoned his pants stay up in life do not marry at all with the two lovers on one another in intimacy', that it must be inferred from a manipulation of the body also male. So no deductions and technical assessments.
If it were so 'what' would remain, however, that compared to hypothetical pre-conditions mentioned by me pants man are not compatible.
In the picture below and 'quite clear that the pants are undone and curled in life (it even seems that the right pocket is unlined ...?), but above all what is striking and' the position of human hands, as if it was just surprised when you undid and lowered his pants, or more likely, given his shirt partly already 'out while she was doing exactly the opposite ...
Then a chance 'and' that the murderess has fallen on the scene shortly before the couple began a relationship of any kind, which may have occurred even when the car's interior light was on and that would also explain the ability 'of the shooter to hit fairly accurately (in the case of the blows to the woman was certainly turned on the light as a result of the door opening).
Or that the Assassin's approach was perceived by the victims, and that therefore they have stopped all activities' trying to compose himself just enough to escape. The man was then drawn just as he pulled up his trousers to the well and better and stayed in the corpse pose. Besides, if you look at the type of soil ...
It 'obvious that if the woman was on intimate partner in attitude panties had to be lowered, and then, however, that if 'the woman is found with her panties in place should someone avergliele rinfilate. It' s a mere inference that follows from the testimony so 'as is' as the veneer.
And it 'also obvious that the man unbuttoned his pants stay up in life do not marry at all with the two lovers on one another in intimacy', that it must be inferred from a manipulation of the body also male. So no deductions and technical assessments.
If it were so 'what' would remain, however, that compared to hypothetical pre-conditions mentioned by me pants man are not compatible.
In the picture below and 'quite clear that the pants are undone and curled in life (it even seems that the right pocket is unlined ...?), but above all what is striking and' the position of human hands, as if it was just surprised when you undid and lowered his pants, or more likely, given his shirt partly already 'out while she was doing exactly the opposite ...

Then a chance 'and' that the murderess has fallen on the scene shortly before the couple began a relationship of any kind, which may have occurred even when the car's interior light was on and that would also explain the ability 'of the shooter to hit fairly accurately (in the case of the blows to the woman was certainly turned on the light as a result of the door opening).
Or that the Assassin's approach was perceived by the victims, and that therefore they have stopped all activities' trying to compose himself just enough to escape. The man was then drawn just as he pulled up his trousers to the well and better and stayed in the corpse pose. Besides, if you look at the type of soil ...

... it is difficult to imagine that the murderess has been able to get right up to the window without making any noise. The road and 'thrown into the gravel and crushed stone, between the material more' noisy 'at all, and we find ourselves in the peaceful countryside at night, so that victims have received the steps and 'no means unlikely, although not enough time to react with an escape.
and I 'but' another point in favor of a relatively long stay on the scene of the Assassin, and that means' any handling of personal effects of victims, especially the woman's handbag .
This' you should be inferred mainly from the fact that he had found the bag lady Locci snap open the side of the passenger seat. Alongside this is a handkerchief men's logic would come from the pocket rather than the White woman's handbag.
And again, but without 'specifying the meeting point, we speak of a man portapatente containing a photo calendars with scantily dressed. And the license? Reappeared two years later when during the trial process at Apple, we realize that her purse is not part of the body entered in the acts of crime and provides for the seizure of that which had been kept in the barracks since the finding of Signa. The license of White would then have been always there, in her purse (The Nation March 19, 1070)
What kind of activity 'was therefore carried out the murderess? Apparently, at least to identify the male victim and poking the woman's purse with perhaps the same purpose (there is no indication that anything is missing but it might have been difficult to verify). In the end, and 'but' only the manipulation of the pocket of the man who risultrerebbe certain, since the bag could be left open by the respective owners before the fact ... If it had been an acquaintance who needs' would to do this type of operation plus there are indications have been made in some of the following crimes? Who could have the need 'to identify the two just killed?
and I 'but' another point in favor of a relatively long stay on the scene of the Assassin, and that means' any handling of personal effects of victims, especially the woman's handbag .
This' you should be inferred mainly from the fact that he had found the bag lady Locci snap open the side of the passenger seat. Alongside this is a handkerchief men's logic would come from the pocket rather than the White woman's handbag.

And again, but without 'specifying the meeting point, we speak of a man portapatente containing a photo calendars with scantily dressed. And the license? Reappeared two years later when during the trial process at Apple, we realize that her purse is not part of the body entered in the acts of crime and provides for the seizure of that which had been kept in the barracks since the finding of Signa. The license of White would then have been always there, in her purse (The Nation March 19, 1070)
What kind of activity 'was therefore carried out the murderess? Apparently, at least to identify the male victim and poking the woman's purse with perhaps the same purpose (there is no indication that anything is missing but it might have been difficult to verify). In the end, and 'but' only the manipulation of the pocket of the man who risultrerebbe certain, since the bag could be left open by the respective owners before the fact ... If it had been an acquaintance who needs' would to do this type of operation plus there are indications have been made in some of the following crimes? Who could have the need 'to identify the two just killed?
The eyewitness
Why 'and' s so important to understand how long it has lost the murderess at the scene the crime? Beyond decode operations to reconstruct their psychology, and if necessary the previous knowledge of the victims, and 'important to understand this aspect in assessing the truthfulness' or less of the first story of the little apple,' cause we should not forget that this episode there is an eyewitness! It makes sense to stick to statements
changing over time of a 6 year old boy submitted to the worst imaginable trauma and pressures varied times, probably in a contradictory manner, estrargli to remember that perhaps he had not kept or canceled whereas others?
The answer should be negative, but those in the immediacy of the first things that can be analyzed, so ' as it should be taken into account at least one major point concerns the small eye-witness: 'Cause survived?
course and 'on the answer to this question that the time lost by the murderer at the scene of significant importance. If the murderess shot and closed the door immediately after escaping, and 'clear that there is not even a real eye-witness' own.
If the murderess has searched the belongings of the victims, and handled the bodies, but the child can not 'not to have noticed and in turn can not' have underestimated the presence of the murderess. These manipulations have taken place in all probability 'while the car's interior lights were on due to the opening of the doors, then the Assassin's face was visible in the cockpit while he lingered for a long time. If you really and 'done everything', and I stress the if, only the total extraneousness' to that environment and the safety of mathematics could not be ever suspected him to save the witness, but in this case as he would come in that godforsaken place midnight on August 21, 1968? Coincidentally
for a reason offhand, perhaps by Romola? He then crossed that night the girl he knew in his youth 'to follow her and kill her in that remote place?!
would come from one of the villages of Sicily or Sardinia for a short stay host family emigrated from Tuscany? Or perhaps a country more 'or less exotic from which he returned from time to time at a rate of once every 6 / 7 years?
They are obviously not very plausible hypothesis and furthermore they do not deal with another important element. Not only does the murderess would have saved the baby but it would be used even for two miles on the road to the house of De Felice. This' fact, the highly popular not considered a corollary to the first true version given by Natalino. It 's a necessary corollary? Let's see ...
We start from a consideration of common sense. Murderess or any group of murderers would try to stay as little as possible on the scene and in the case This stay was needed, he would put in place every precaution to make themselves less visible \\ i can. It also does not leave behind a witness would be able to recognize it.
tried to verify some assumptions taking into account everything said so far.
The murderess has just finished downloading the weapon with the door open. The cockpit and 'lit. On the impetus behind the woman grabs flipping it back on the torso, but only now become aware of the presence of the child and 'still crouched behind the seat of the mother. At this point, trusting that quickly retract from that position the child can not see him. Close the door and walks away leaving the car arrow turned on since 'to turn it off would be to really see his face from the small witness, whom she and' move and started to cry. It will say 'that only needed a couple more shots and should not have been more' to worry about anything ... but he had to shoot these shots against the child?!
would have to kill with bare hands, and who said that this murderess is able to do such a thing to a child? If it had been safe enough that Natasha had never been able to recognize it would not have saved perhaps the strangulation of a child of six years? Besides the effect it has obtained and 'was a textbook, given that the very survival of the child has convinced investigators that could not have been the father to spare him, show why 'the real culprit
Investigators, however,' did also another consideration, namely 'that the child could not have done alone at night that path of 2 km and passes. He could not 'cause something objective or prevented because the' feel to it seems impossible that she did?
At the time the experiment was carried out on foot at night to go over the road to the house of De Felice, an experiment was rebuilt in time to tentissime people, even recently. Since then all agree that a child could not, but all emerged from that experiment perfectly unharmed and in the end without having had any problems royal during the walk. It is not clear why 'these problems would have them instead Natalino, plus a young retina, light and more' agile ...
But how? She had no shoes! Sure, but the road was a normal dirt thrown gravel and crushed stone, not a narrow passage between the rocks strewn with sharp rocks and slippery sea urchins.
But there were jobs and piles of bricks ... Yes, maybe the last part of the work may have given some ground, but ground that 'he just did not prevented the police to reach easily the other way. Nobody and 'put to climb piles of bricks,' were simply bypassed with a bit of care. Even Natalino course ...
's why you try' to focus on uncut socks and feet intact, too bad that these socks has said everything and its opposite, while the verification of the feet is very curious. In fact, everything is resolved in having found that the child's feet were not red. But when
and 'was taken this test? At three by the Police of San Piero a Ponti? I doubt it seriously, because even 'between the news photo published on August 23 iil there' this:
The child, even smiling, certainly hours after being photographed with even socks at the foot and nothing else . Possible that after having controlled feet they have sent out yet so '? But the hour away that was being made to find redness on the soles of the feet? Plus those feet up does not bear the weight of an adult but the child of a paltry 25 pounds at the most ...
should also be noted that Apple is said to have accompanied the baby only once a horse, and that therefore those who think 'this will have true confession' had to reckon with at least some socks that had to be worn, however, not to contradict the version of the self-confessed ...
Essentially this objective reason to have really prevented the child alone to get them right there. And even 'the true story of the bell at a height that will not be reachable since it was contradicted by the texts without hesitation in the process, first by De Felice!
However, there is evidence and that 'according to the signatories to the grave of every argument on assisting the child, and that means' left on the arrow to draw attention to the scene and who killed more lose' an hour remaining in the vicinity 'the scene of the crime. Fosse was also someone who could come on the road to repair Vingone safe, and as' can not be bothered to return to darkness' crime scene '. A major benefit obtained by the simple lowering of a lever! Off the frecccia of accidental ignition which would necessarily have noticed, the car with the dead would return to be invisible from the deck instead of being Castelletti 'appear more' or less like this':
return to Natalino and in particular the things referred to in the house in the immediacy of his savior:
" was dark, all the plants are moved, there was none. I was so afraid. For me courage I said the prayers, I began to sing the north ... "
will say ' then that singing the north who was accompanying him, with the intention of calm. But how 'the child may concealing the presence of the crew even attributing the actions of this? What strange mental mechanism should take to lie in this way? The child then
De Felice to convince the doubting of his words get to talk about her mother's hand:
DF "where 'you are the mother, because it' s dead"
NM, "and 'over there' in car with his uncle, near the cemetery "
DF:" But no, you'll see that it is not 'dead sleep'
NM "" are not dead, really ... I've seen. the mother took my hand I , and 'dead propprio "
DF:" Where am I? "
NM:" Over there,' in the countryside, in the car "
imagine the scene. The murderess and 'them that fiddles with the dead while the boy looks petrified now awake, or perhaps in tears. Then someone opens the door and then lowered. When ever had the opportunity in this context to get to shake hands with the mother! How 'might instead invent such a thing to convince the De Happy! Can not 'be the result of "instructions" of the crew, simply because' there is no logical reason he percu, anyone should be, should say the talk of the hand of his dead mother!
The child also apparently has a feeling of isolation but 'communication. Also part of the story elements concrete that lead to his state of mind, such as plants that are moving and making noise that amplify her fears, no one seems to care about what should or should not say. How did these stories not to betray the presence of another person?
changing over time of a 6 year old boy submitted to the worst imaginable trauma and pressures varied times, probably in a contradictory manner, estrargli to remember that perhaps he had not kept or canceled whereas others?
The answer should be negative, but those in the immediacy of the first things that can be analyzed, so ' as it should be taken into account at least one major point concerns the small eye-witness: 'Cause survived?
course and 'on the answer to this question that the time lost by the murderer at the scene of significant importance. If the murderess shot and closed the door immediately after escaping, and 'clear that there is not even a real eye-witness' own.
If the murderess has searched the belongings of the victims, and handled the bodies, but the child can not 'not to have noticed and in turn can not' have underestimated the presence of the murderess. These manipulations have taken place in all probability 'while the car's interior lights were on due to the opening of the doors, then the Assassin's face was visible in the cockpit while he lingered for a long time. If you really and 'done everything', and I stress the if, only the total extraneousness' to that environment and the safety of mathematics could not be ever suspected him to save the witness, but in this case as he would come in that godforsaken place midnight on August 21, 1968? Coincidentally
for a reason offhand, perhaps by Romola? He then crossed that night the girl he knew in his youth 'to follow her and kill her in that remote place?!
would come from one of the villages of Sicily or Sardinia for a short stay host family emigrated from Tuscany? Or perhaps a country more 'or less exotic from which he returned from time to time at a rate of once every 6 / 7 years?
They are obviously not very plausible hypothesis and furthermore they do not deal with another important element. Not only does the murderess would have saved the baby but it would be used even for two miles on the road to the house of De Felice. This' fact, the highly popular not considered a corollary to the first true version given by Natalino. It 's a necessary corollary? Let's see ...
We start from a consideration of common sense. Murderess or any group of murderers would try to stay as little as possible on the scene and in the case This stay was needed, he would put in place every precaution to make themselves less visible \\ i can. It also does not leave behind a witness would be able to recognize it.
tried to verify some assumptions taking into account everything said so far.
The murderess has just finished downloading the weapon with the door open. The cockpit and 'lit. On the impetus behind the woman grabs flipping it back on the torso, but only now become aware of the presence of the child and 'still crouched behind the seat of the mother. At this point, trusting that quickly retract from that position the child can not see him. Close the door and walks away leaving the car arrow turned on since 'to turn it off would be to really see his face from the small witness, whom she and' move and started to cry. It will say 'that only needed a couple more shots and should not have been more' to worry about anything ... but he had to shoot these shots against the child?!
would have to kill with bare hands, and who said that this murderess is able to do such a thing to a child? If it had been safe enough that Natasha had never been able to recognize it would not have saved perhaps the strangulation of a child of six years? Besides the effect it has obtained and 'was a textbook, given that the very survival of the child has convinced investigators that could not have been the father to spare him, show why 'the real culprit
Investigators, however,' did also another consideration, namely 'that the child could not have done alone at night that path of 2 km and passes. He could not 'cause something objective or prevented because the' feel to it seems impossible that she did?
At the time the experiment was carried out on foot at night to go over the road to the house of De Felice, an experiment was rebuilt in time to tentissime people, even recently. Since then all agree that a child could not, but all emerged from that experiment perfectly unharmed and in the end without having had any problems royal during the walk. It is not clear why 'these problems would have them instead Natalino, plus a young retina, light and more' agile ...
But how? She had no shoes! Sure, but the road was a normal dirt thrown gravel and crushed stone, not a narrow passage between the rocks strewn with sharp rocks and slippery sea urchins.

But there were jobs and piles of bricks ... Yes, maybe the last part of the work may have given some ground, but ground that 'he just did not prevented the police to reach easily the other way. Nobody and 'put to climb piles of bricks,' were simply bypassed with a bit of care. Even Natalino course ...
's why you try' to focus on uncut socks and feet intact, too bad that these socks has said everything and its opposite, while the verification of the feet is very curious. In fact, everything is resolved in having found that the child's feet were not red. But when
and 'was taken this test? At three by the Police of San Piero a Ponti? I doubt it seriously, because even 'between the news photo published on August 23 iil there' this:

The child, even smiling, certainly hours after being photographed with even socks at the foot and nothing else . Possible that after having controlled feet they have sent out yet so '? But the hour away that was being made to find redness on the soles of the feet? Plus those feet up does not bear the weight of an adult but the child of a paltry 25 pounds at the most ...
should also be noted that Apple is said to have accompanied the baby only once a horse, and that therefore those who think 'this will have true confession' had to reckon with at least some socks that had to be worn, however, not to contradict the version of the self-confessed ...
Essentially this objective reason to have really prevented the child alone to get them right there. And even 'the true story of the bell at a height that will not be reachable since it was contradicted by the texts without hesitation in the process, first by De Felice!
However, there is evidence and that 'according to the signatories to the grave of every argument on assisting the child, and that means' left on the arrow to draw attention to the scene and who killed more lose' an hour remaining in the vicinity 'the scene of the crime. Fosse was also someone who could come on the road to repair Vingone safe, and as' can not be bothered to return to darkness' crime scene '. A major benefit obtained by the simple lowering of a lever! Off the frecccia of accidental ignition which would necessarily have noticed, the car with the dead would return to be invisible from the deck instead of being Castelletti 'appear more' or less like this':

return to Natalino and in particular the things referred to in the house in the immediacy of his savior:
" was dark, all the plants are moved, there was none. I was so afraid. For me courage I said the prayers, I began to sing the north ... "
will say ' then that singing the north who was accompanying him, with the intention of calm. But how 'the child may concealing the presence of the crew even attributing the actions of this? What strange mental mechanism should take to lie in this way? The child then
De Felice to convince the doubting of his words get to talk about her mother's hand:
DF "where 'you are the mother, because it' s dead"
NM, "and 'over there' in car with his uncle, near the cemetery "
DF:" But no, you'll see that it is not 'dead sleep'
NM "" are not dead, really ... I've seen. the mother took my hand I , and 'dead propprio "
DF:" Where am I? "
NM:" Over there,' in the countryside, in the car "
imagine the scene. The murderess and 'them that fiddles with the dead while the boy looks petrified now awake, or perhaps in tears. Then someone opens the door and then lowered. When ever had the opportunity in this context to get to shake hands with the mother! How 'might instead invent such a thing to convince the De Happy! Can not 'be the result of "instructions" of the crew, simply because' there is no logical reason he percu, anyone should be, should say the talk of the hand of his dead mother!
The child also apparently has a feeling of isolation but 'communication. Also part of the story elements concrete that lead to his state of mind, such as plants that are moving and making noise that amplify her fears, no one seems to care about what should or should not say. How did these stories not to betray the presence of another person?
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